the - signification, définition, traduction, prononciation
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the (anglais) - signification, définition, traduction, prononciation

Part of Speech:




Meanings and Usage:

"the" is a definite article in English. It is used before nouns to specify, or give context to, what is being referred to. It is the most common word in English, used countless times in both spoken and written language. Its frequency of use is extremely high, as it is an essential part of constructing grammatically correct sentences.

Verb Tenses:

As "the" is a noun and not a verb, it does not have different forms for various tenses.

Translations to French:


  1. The cat is on the mat.
    Le chat est sur le tapis.

  2. She is reading the book.
    Elle est en train de lire le livre.

Idiomatic Expressions:

"The" is also a part of many idiomatic expressions in English, in which its usage goes beyond just serving as a definite article. Some examples are: 1. Hit the nail on the head
Mettre le doigt sur le bobo (to describe someone who has gotten a problem exactly right) 2. Under the weather
Sous le temps (to describe someone who is feeling ill) 3. The ball is in your court
La balle est dans votre camp (to mean it is up to someone to make a decision or take action) 4. The early bird catches the worm
Le monde appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt (to mean success comes to those who act early) 5. The devil is in the details
Le diable se cache dans les détails (to mean small things in plans or schemes that can cause problems)


"The" is derived from the Old English word "þē", which is a variant of "se" meaning "the" in modern English. It has deep roots in the Germanic language family.

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: - Definite article - This - That

Antonyms: - A/an - Indefinite articles - Some