assim - signification, définition, traduction, prononciation
Dictionnaire ChatGPT

assim (portugais) - signification, définition, traduction, prononciation

Part of speech:


Meanings and Usage:

"Assim" in Portuguese can have several meanings depending on the context: 1. Like this / like that 2. Thus / so 3. This way 4. Therefore 5. Similarly

It is used commonly in both written and oral Portuguese.

Verb Forms:

"Assim" is an adverb and does not have verb forms or tenses.


  1. Assim eu gosto. (I like it this way.)
  2. Faz assim, por favor. (Do it like this, please.)

Idiomatic Expressions:

"Assim" is frequently used in Portuguese idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples: 1. Assim assim (So-so) - neither good nor bad - Je vais comme ci, comme ça (I'm doing so-so) 2. Assim dizendo (So to speak) - to indicate that a term is used loosely or metaphorically - Comme qui dirait (So to speak) 3. Assim que (As soon as) - conjunction used to indicate an immediate consequence of something - Elle est partie dès que j'ai terminé (She left as soon as I finished.)


The word "assim" comes from the Latin "ad sic," which can be translated to "to this manner" or "in this way."

Synonyms and Antonyms: