lugar - signification, définition, traduction, prononciation
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lugar (portugais) - signification, définition, traduction, prononciation

Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: /'lu.ɡaʁ/

Meanings and usage patterns: "Lugar" in Portuguese means "place" in English. It is a common word used in both oral and written contexts and has a high frequency of use in the Portuguese language. It can refer to a physical location, a position, or a spot.

Verb forms: As "lugar" is a noun, it does not have verb forms.

Example phrases: 1. Este é um lugar especial. (This is a special place.) 2. Vamos encontrar um lugar para descansar. (Let's find a place to rest.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Lugar" is frequently used in Portuguese idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples: 1. "Estar fora de lugar" (To be out of place) - used to describe something that is inappropriate or does not fit in a specific context. 2. "Ficar no mesmo lugar" (To stay in the same place) - used to refer to lack of progress or movement in a situation. 3. "Dar lugar a" (To give way to) - used to signify making space for something or someone else.

Etymology: The word "lugar" comes from the Latin "locāre", which means "to place".

Synonyms: - Local - Espaço - Sítio

Antonyms: - Partida - Ausência - Vazio