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Mots commençant par "2": 80130
2nd Minnesota Light Artillery Battery
2nd Minnesota Sharpshooters Company
2nd Missouri Colored Infantry Regiment
2nd Missouri Infantry Regiment (Union)
2nd Missouri Light Artillery Regiment
2nd Mixed Brigade
2nd Moscow International Film Festival
2nd Motor Brigade (Australia)
2nd Motorised Brigade (Hungary)
2nd Mountain Artillery Regiment (Italy)
2nd Mountain Brigade (Poland)
2nd Mounted Rifles
2nd NWHL All-Star Game
2nd National Assembly of the Philippines
2nd National Congress of the Kuomintang
2nd National Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party
2nd National Hockey League All-Star Game
2nd Nature (boy band)
2nd Naval Armaments Supplement Programme
2nd Nebraska Cavalry Regiment
2nd Nepalese Constituent Assembly
2nd New Brunswick Legislature
2nd New Hampshire Infantry Regiment
2nd New Hampshire Regiment
2nd New Jersey Cavalry Regiment
2nd New Jersey Regiment
2nd New Mexico Infantry Regiment
2nd New York Heavy Artillery Regiment
2nd New York Infantry Regiment
2nd New York Mounted Rifles Regiment
2nd New York Regiment
2nd New York State Legislature
2nd New York Veteran Cavalry Regiment
2nd New Zealand Parliament
2nd North-West Legislative Assembly
2nd Northwest Territories Legislative Council
2nd Nunavut Legislature
2nd Odesa International Film Festival
2nd Ohio Cavalry Regiment
2nd Ohio Heavy Artillery Regiment
2nd Ohio Independent Light Artillery Battery
2nd Okinawa International Movie Festival
2nd Open Russian Festival of Animated Films
2nd Panzergrenadier Division (Bundeswehr)
2nd Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda
2nd Parliament of British Columbia
2nd Parliament of Charles I
2nd Parliament of Elizabeth I
2nd Parliament of Lower Canada
2nd Parliament of Ontario
2nd Parliament of Queen Anne
2nd Parliament of Singapore
2nd Parliament of Turkey
2nd Parliament of Upper Canada
2nd Parliament of William III and Mary II
2nd Parliament of the Province of Canada
2nd Parliament of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment
2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery Regiment
2nd Pennsylvania Reserve Regiment
2nd People's Choice Awards
2nd Philippine Legislature
2nd Pioneer Battalion (Australia)
2nd Platino Awards
2nd Politburo of the Communist Party of Cuba
2nd Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam
2nd Politburo of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party
2nd Political Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea
2nd Portuguese India Armada (Cabral, 1500)
2nd Prince