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Mots commençant par "5": 1218
5th Parliament of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
5th Passage
5th Pennsylvania Regiment
5th Pennsylvania Reserve Regiment
5th People's Choice Awards
5th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron
5th Podhale Rifles Infantry Regiment
5th Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party
5th Politburo of the Communist Party of Cuba
5th Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam
5th Politburo of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party
5th Political Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea
5th Portuguese India Armada (Albuquerque, 1503)
5th Pri-Amur Corps
5th Prince
5th Projekt
5th Quebec Legislature
5th Queens
5th Reconnaissance Squadron (disambiguation)
5th Regiment, Arkansas State Troops
5th Regional Command
5th Reserve Division (People's Republic of China)
5th Reserve Officers' Training Corps Brigade
5th Rhode Island Infantry Regiment
5th Rifle Division (Poland)
5th Ring Road
5th Robert Awards
5th Royal Bavarian Division
5th Royal Tank Regiment
5th Sarasaviya Awards
5th Sasebo Special Naval Landing Force
5th Saskatchewan Legislature
5th Saturn Awards
5th Secretariat of the Communist Party of Cuba
5th Secretariat of the Workers' Party of Korea
5th Seiyu Awards
5th Shock Army
5th South Carolina Cavalry Regiment
5th South Carolina Regiment
5th South Indian International Movie Awards
5th Space Warning Squadron
5th Special Air Service
5th Squadron (JASDF)
5th Story
5th Street Gym
5th Summit of the Americas
5th TCA Awards
5th TVyNovelas Awards
5th Tarang Cine Awards
5th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment (Union)
5th Tennessee Infantry Regiment
5th Tennessee Infantry Regiment (Union)
5th Tony Awards
5th U.S. Artillery, Battery C
5th U.S. Artillery, Battery D
5th U.S. Artillery, Battery H
5th U.S. Artillery, Battery I
5th U.S. Artillery, Battery K
5th United States Colored Infantry Regiment
5th United States Congress
5th Vanier Cup
5th Venice International Film Festival
5th Vijay Awards
5th Virginia Regiment
5th Ward Juvenilez
5th West Virginia Cavalry Regiment
5th West Virginia Infantry Regiment
5th Wildflower Film Awards
5th World Science Fiction Convention
5th World Scout Jamboree