Alexander the Great - traduzione in italiano
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Alexander the Great - traduzione in italiano

AlexanderTheGreat; Alexander III of Macedon; Alexander the great; Lord of Asia; Alexandrian period; Alexander The Great; List of kings of Asia; Sikandar-e-Azam; Alexander the Macedonian; Sikunder; Alexander of Macedonia; Alexander the graet; Alexander Magnus; Μέγας Ἀλέξανδρος; Alexander of macedon; Letter to Darius III; Letter to Darius II; Alex the great; Megas aleksandros; Alexnader the great; Alexander Macedonian; Alexander-the-great; Aleksander the Great; Great Alexander; Sikandar Mahan; Alexander of Macedon; King of Asia; Iskander the Accursed; Alexandros the Great; Alexandros III of Macedon; Αλέξανδρος ο Μέγας; Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας; Aleksandar ī Hrōmāyīg; Aléxandros ho Mégas; Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia; Sikandar E Azam
  • Persian Gate]] in modern-day [[Iran]]; the road was built in the 1990s.
  • Alexander's empire was the largest state of its time, covering approximately 5.2 million square km.
  • Alexander sculpture by [[Lysippos]] (4th Century BC)
  • Alexander Cameo by [[Pyrgoteles]]
  • Alexander's invasion of the Indian subcontinent
  • Detail of Alexander on the [[Alexander Sarcophagus]]
  • Alexander (left) and [[Hephaestion]] (right): Both were connected by a tight man-to-man friendship.<ref>Alexander Demandt: ''Alexander der Große. Leben und Legende.'', München 2009, p. 236f; Robin Lane Fox: ''Alexander der Große. Eroberer der Welt.'', Stuttgart 2004, p. 61; Elizabeth D. Carney: ''Woman in Alexander's Court'', in: Roisman, Joseph (Hg.): ''Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great'', Leiden, Boston 2003, p. 243</ref>
  • ''Alexander Cuts the [[Gordian Knot]]'' (1767) by [[Jean-Simon Berthélemy]]
  • Alexander in a 14th-century Armenian manuscript
  • Greek bust]] depicting Alexander the Great, [[Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek]], Copenhagen
  • Alexander conquering the air. [[Jean Wauquelin]], ''Les faits et conquêtes d'Alexandre le Grand'', 1448–1449
  • Archaeological Site of [[Pella]], Greece, Alexander's birthplace
  • Asia in 323&nbsp;BC, the [[Nanda Empire]] and the [[Gangaridai]] of the [[Indian subcontinent]], in relation to Alexander's Empire and neighbours
  • Gérard Audran after Charles LeBrun, [ 'Alexander Entering Babylon,'] original print first published 1675, engraving, [ Department of Image Collections, National Gallery of Art Library, Washington, DC.]
  • A [[Babylonian astronomical diary]] (c.&nbsp;323–322&nbsp;BC) recording the death of Alexander ([[British Museum]], London)
  • The [[Battle of the Granicus]], 334 BC
  • The [[Battle of Issus]], 333 BC
  • Battle of Chaeronea]]
  • Alexander in a 14th-century Byzantine manuscript
  • Roman medallion depicting [[Olympias]], Alexander's mother
  • Dedication of Alexander the Great to [[Athena Polias]] at [[Priene]], now housed in the [[British Museum]]<ref name="Burn"/>
  • access-date=7 December 2019}}</ref>
  • Aigai]], the only known depiction of Alexander made during his lifetime, 330s BC
  • Kingdom of Epirus]] (red).
  • Greco-Buddhist style]], 1st to 2nd century AD, [[Gandhara]], northern Pakistan. [[Tokyo National Museum]].
  • url-status=live}}</ref>
  • url-status=live}}</ref>
  • Folio from the ''[[Shahnameh]]'' showing Alexander praying at the [[Kaaba]], mid-16th century
  • 978-0-19-815287-3}}, p. 185.</ref> [[Pella]] Museum
  • Map of Alexander's empire and his route
  • The Kingdom of Macedon]] in 336 BC, birthplace of Alexander
  • url-status=live }}</ref>
  • Stateira]]) in 324 BC; the couple are apparently dressed as [[Ares]] and [[Aphrodite]].
  • 19th-century depiction of Alexander's funeral procession, based on the description by [[Diodorus Siculus]]
  • 332&nbsp;BC}}, Egypt. [[Louvre Museum]].
  • Pausanius assassinates Philip II, Alexander's father, during his procession into the theatre
  • [[Philip II of Macedon]], Alexander's father
  • 30&nbsp;BC}}
  • This medallion was produced in [[Imperial Rome]], demonstrating the influence of Alexander's memory. [[Walters Art Museum]], [[Baltimore]].
  • Silver tetradrachm of Alexander the Great found in Byblos (ca 330–300 bc.)  (BnF 1998–859; 17,33g; Byblos, Price 3426b)
  • Islamic painting]] depicting Alexander being lowered in a glass [[submersible]]
  • The Macedonian phalanx at the "Battle of the Carts" against the Thracians in 335 BC
  • Cleitus]]'', by [[André Castaigne]] (1898–1899)
  • ''The [[Phalanx]] Attacking the Centre in the [[Battle of the Hydaspes]]'' by André Castaigne (1898–1899)
  • ''Alexander at the Tomb of [[Cyrus the Great]]'', by [[Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes]] (1796)

Alexander the Great         
n. Alessandro Magno
Alexander Yannai         
  • Hasmonean palace]] near [[Jericho]], believed to have been built by Alexander
  • Alexander Jannaeus feasting during the crucifixion of the Pharisees, engraving by [[Willem Swidde]], 17th century
Alexander Jannæus; King Yanai; Alexander Yanai; Alexander Jannai; Alexander Jannnaeus; Alexander Yannai; Jannaeus Alexander; Jannaeus; Jannaeus, Alexander; Alexander Janneaus
n. Alessandro Yannai
Alexander Fleming         
  • Josep Manuel Benedicto]]. [[Barcelona]]: jardins del Doctor Fleming.
  • [[Faroe Islands]] postage stamp commemorating Fleming
  • Commemorative plaque marking Fleming's discovery of penicillin at [[St Mary's Hospital, London]]
  • Display of Fleming's awards, including his Nobel Prize. Also shows a sample of penicillin and an example of an early apparatus for preparing it.
  • alt=
  • 3D-model of benzylpenicillin
  • An advertisement advertising penicillin's "miracle cure"
  • Fleming in his laboratory in 1943
  • alt=
  • Modern antibiotics are tested using a method similar to Fleming's discovery.
Sir Alexander Fleming; Alex Fleming; A. Fleming; A Fleming; A.Fleming; Sir Alexander Fleming Building; Fleming, Alexander
Alexander Fleming, (1881-1955) batteriologo inglese a cui si deve la scoperta della penicillina nel 1928


1) A short and perhaps subliminal piece of advertising, causing much confusion over what was actually being advertised. Alluding to the show with the same name on The Simpsons.
A: (Watching TV) What on earth was that?
B: I think it was a gabbo ad.
2) Pointless acts of self-inflicted harm.
That stunt was totally gabbo.


Alexander the Great

Alexander III of Macedon (Ancient Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος, romanized: Alexandros; 20/21 July 356 BC – 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. He succeeded his father Philip II to the throne in 336 BC at the age of 20, and spent most of his ruling years conducting a lengthy military campaign throughout Western Asia and Egypt. By the age of 30, he had created one of the largest empires in history, stretching from Greece to northwestern India. He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered to be one of history's greatest and most successful military commanders.

Until the age of 16, Alexander was tutored by Aristotle. In 335 BC, shortly after his assumption of kingship over Macedon, he campaigned in the Balkans and reasserted control over Thrace and Illyria before marching on the city of Thebes, which was subsequently destroyed in battle. Alexander then led the League of Corinth, and used his authority to launch the pan-Hellenic project envisaged by his father, assuming leadership over all Greeks in their conquest of Persia.

In 334 BC, he invaded the Achaemenid Persian Empire and began a series of campaigns that lasted for 10 years. Following his conquest of Asia Minor, Alexander broke the power of Achaemenid Persia in a series of decisive battles, including those at Issus and Gaugamela; he subsequently overthrew Darius III and conquered the Achaemenid Empire in its entirety. After the fall of Persia, the Macedonian Empire held a vast swath of territory between the Adriatic Sea and the Indus River. Alexander endeavored to reach the "ends of the world and the Great Outer Sea" and invaded India in 326 BC, achieving an important victory over Porus, an ancient Indian king of present-day Punjab, at the Battle of the Hydaspes. Due to the demand of his homesick troops, he eventually turned back at the Beas River and later died in 323 BC in Babylon, the city of Mesopotamia that he had planned to establish as his empire's capital. Alexander's death left unexecuted an additional series of planned military and mercantile campaigns that would have begun with a Greek invasion of Arabia. In the years following his death, a series of civil wars broke out across the Macedonian Empire, eventually leading to its disintegration at the hands of the Diadochi.

With his death marking the start of the Hellenistic period, Alexander's legacy includes the cultural diffusion and syncretism that his conquests engendered, such as Greco-Buddhism and Hellenistic Judaism. He founded more than twenty cities, with the most prominent being the city of Alexandria in Egypt. Alexander's settlement of Greek colonists and the resulting spread of Greek culture led to the overwhelming dominance of Hellenistic civilization and influence as far east as the Indian subcontinent. The Hellenistic period developed through the Roman Empire into modern Western culture; the Greek language became the lingua franca of the region and was the predominant language of the Byzantine Empire up until its collapse in the mid-15th century AD. Greek-speaking communities in central Anatolia and in far-eastern Anatolia survived until the Greek genocide and Greek–Turkish population exchanges of the early 20th century AD. Alexander became legendary as a classical hero in the mould of Achilles, featuring prominently in the historical and mythical traditions of both Greek and non-Greek cultures. His military achievements and unprecedented enduring successes in battle made him the measure against which many later military leaders would compare themselves, and his tactics remain a significant subject of study in military academies worldwide.

Esempi di pronuncia per Alexander the Great
1. Alexander the Great first.
Applying Lessons from Ancients to Modern Business _ Barry Strauss _ Talks at Google
2. since Alexander the Great.
Humble the Poet _ Unlearn - 101 Simple Truths For A Better Life _ Talks at Google
3. on Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.
The Smartest Book in the World _ Greg Proops _ Talks at Google
4. that Alexander the Great went to
5. of Alexander the Great, 200 BC.
Is That a Big Number _ Andrew Elliott _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per Alexander the Great
1. Alexander the Great In the third century BC, Alexander the Great invaded.
2. Alexander the Great conquered Afghanistan in the fourth century BC.
3. Alexander the Great also swept through the region.
4. "It has nothing to do, as some people say superficially, with Alexander the Great and history.
5. It was besieged by the Babylonians, invaded by Alexander the Great and colonized by the Romans.