Lord of the Rings
JRR Tolkien/The Lord of the Rings; Lord of the Rings; LotR; War of the Ring; The Lord Of The Rings; War Of The Ring; Company of the Ring; Lord Of The Rings; Lord of the rings; The Lord of the rings; Lotr; TLOTR; TLotR; The Lord of the Ring; The Lord of the Rings trilogy; The lord of the rings; Tolkienesque; Lord of The Rings; Lord of the Ring; Attack on Amon Hen; Battle of Amon Hen; Battle of Ithilien; Lord of the Rings trilogy; Quest of Mount Doom; The Lord of The Rings; The lord of the ring; LoTR; Minority criticisms of The Lord of the Rings; Minority criticisms of the Lord of the Rings; The Lord of the Rings (Trilogy); Lord of the rigns; Lords of the ring; The Lord of the Rings Trilogy; The Lord of the Rings (novel); Lord of the ring; Battle of Lorien; War of the rings; Lord of the rings book; Untitled Lord of the Rings television series; Grishnákh; The Siege of Gondor; Farmer Maggot; A Long-Expected Party; A Short Cut to Mushrooms; A Conspiracy Unmasked; In the House of Tom Bombadil; Fog on the Barrow-downs; Strider (chapter); At the Sign of the Prancing Pony; A Knife in the Dark; Flight to the Ford; Many Meetings; A Journey in the Dark; The Bridge of Khazad-dum; The Bridge of Khazad-dûm; Lothlorien (chapter); Lothlórien (chapter); Farewell to Lórien; Farewell to Lorien; The Mirror of Galadriel; The Great River (chapter); The Departure of Boromir; The Riders of Rohan; Mirror of Galadriel; The Downfall of the Lord of the Rings; The Downfall of the Lord of the Rings and the Return of the King
n. Signore degli Anelli, trilogia scritta da R. R. Tolkien; cartoni animati del 1978 e film ispirati a questi romanzi