Esempi dal corpus di testo per if you don"t mind
1. QUESTION:В If you dont mind, may I follow?В Do you think, looking back, that it might have been a mistake not to press the Palestinian leadership harder on what the U.S. clearly wanted, which was to disarm anyone associated with Hamas, to disarm Hamas or get a commitment, some kind of legislative commitment, to lawful behavior?
2. SECRETARY RICE:В Theres really something I would like - QUESTION:В If you dont mind going on a bit longer, thats okay.В SECRETARY RICE:В No, no.В I mean, but theres something very important here.В It is not as if the United States shuts out the ICRC and I dont want you to leave your viewers with that impression.В I myself have sat with the president of ICRC repeatedly.В The President of the United States has sat with the president of the ICRC.В When we receive requests or inquiries from the ICRC, we go as hard and as fast as we can to answer them.