éxito demostrado - traduzione in Inglese
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éxito demostrado - traduzione in Inglese

Almacenes Exito; Almacenes Éxito
  • Fachada de Almacenes Éxito en el Centro Comercial Alfaguara en Jamundí, donde estaba La 14

éxito demostrado      
(n.) = proven success
Ex: Each of these strategies is a proven success and examples of their use are provided.
= achievement, success, triumph, boom, popularity.
Ex: All SLIS heads co-operated willingly, discussing their problems, difficulties and achievements candidly and critically.
Ex: A producer is the person with final responsibility for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the production, and the commercial success of the film.
Ex: One of the real triumphs of cataloging is that cataloging rules based on Charles Ammi Cutter's work of a century ago have been effective over such a very long time.
Ex: The article "The electronic boom: a gamble or a sure bet?" considers the threat of the new technology to the future of newspapers.
Ex: The reason for its popularity was largely that it was based upon a principle of conformity in essentials, and freedom in details.
* asegurar el éxito = ensure + success.
* caso con éxito = success story.
* clave del éxito = key success factor, key to success.
* colmado de éxitos = crowned with + success.
* con éxito = successful, successfully, winningly.
* con mucho éxito = with a wide appeal.
* conseguir éxito = achieve + success.
* conseguir éxitos y fracasos = encounter + problems and successes.
* cumbre del éxito, la = pinnacle of success, the.
* de éxito = successful.
* de éxito asegurado = sure-fire [surefire].
* de éxito garantizado = sure-fire [surefire].
* de éxito seguro = sure-fire [surefire].
* de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
* de un gran éxito comercial = best selling [bestselling/best-selling], top-selling.
* de un gran éxito de ventas = best selling [bestselling/best-selling], top-selling.
* el éxito genera éxito = success breeds success (SBS).
* el éxito llama al éxito = success breeds success (SBS).
* éxito absoluto = award-winning success.
* éxito artístico = artistic success.
* éxito comercial = commercial success, financial success.
* éxito contundente = roaring success.
* éxito demostrado = proven success.
* éxito de público = blockbuster.
* éxito de taquilla = blockbuster.
* éxito editorial = blockbuster.
* éxito repentino = overnight success.
* éxito repentino y total = flush of success.
* éxito rotundo = resounding success, award-winning success.
* éxitos o fracasos = successes or failures.
* éxito sonado = resounding success.
* éxitos y fracasos = pitfalls and successes, successes and failures.
* éxito taquillero = blockbuster.
* garantizar el éxito = guarantee + success, ensure + success.
* hacer que Algo sea un éxito = make + Nombre + a hit.
* índice de éxito = success rate.
* lista de éxitos = chart.
* lista de éxitos de cartelera de espectáculos = Billboard chart.
* lista de éxitos, la = charts, the.
* lleno de éxitos = crowned with + success.
* no tener éxito = be unsuccessful, come up with + nothing, prove + unsuccessful.
* obtener éxito = achieve + success.
* obtener éxitos y fracasos = experience + problems and successes.
* personas con éxito, las = successful, the.
* pináculo del éxito, el = pinnacle of success, the.
* porcentaje de éxito = success rate.
* resultar ser un éxito = prove + to be a success.
* secreto del éxito = secret of/for success.
* ser el éxito de la fiesta = steal + the limelight, steal + the show.
* ser un éxito = prove + trumps, prove + a success, come up + a treat, go down + a treat.
* significar éxito = spell + success.
* sin éxito = unsuccessful.
* suponer la diferencia entre el éxito o el fracaso = make or break.
* tener éxito = achieve + success, be successful, get + anywhere, meet + success, prove + successful, succeed, attain + appeal, be a success, find + success, come up + trumps, prove + trumps, take off, meet with + success, hit + the big time, be popular, go + strong.
* tener éxito en el mundo = succeed in + the world.
* tener éxito en la vida = succeed in + life.
* tener un éxito roturno = take + Nombre + by storm.
* traer consigo éxito = spell + success.
* traer éxito = spell + success.
= difference, discrepancy, distinction, distinguishability, mismatch, gap, dissimilarity, point of difference, differential, fault line, disconnect.
Ex: Some concepts are described differently in different versions of one language.
Ex: Reshelving by users could explain the discrepancy.
Ex: Variations in the extent of the description between a set of entries account to a large extent for the distinction between main, added and unit entries.
Ex: In this article, the notion of distinguishability is used to measure the degree to which two values of an attribute are dissimilar.
Ex: The electron microscope is a clear case of extreme mismatch between the number of citations received and the impact of the instrument in a wide area of science.
Ex: The gap between what private and public institutions charge means that private schools are at a big disadvantage in recruiting students.
Ex: No significant study has investigated similarities and dissimilarities betwee these two types of reviewing journal.
Ex: Some points of difference with Canadian practices, especially as regards staffing, are noted.
Ex: The gap between people who have the resources to access digital information and those who do not have these resources, the so-called "digital divide", includes a differential in information literacy skills = La diferencia entre la gente que dispone de los recursos para acceder a la información digital y los que no, denominada "brecha digital", supone también una diferencia en las destrezas relacionadas con la alfabetización informacional.
Ex: These views underlie the fault line that divides British politics today.
Ex: The disconnect is about how the two groups view each other.
* acortar las diferencias = close + the gap.
* a diferencia de = apart from, as opposed to, in contradistinction to, as contrasted with, in contrast (to/with), quite apart from, in sharp contrast (with).
* a diferencia de + Nombre = unlike + Nombre.
* aumentar las diferencias entre ... y = widen + the gap between ... and.
* aumento de las diferencias entre ... y = widening gap between ... and, widening of the gap beween .... and.
* con diferencia = by far.
* confundir las diferencias entre = blur + the boundaries between.
* con mucha diferencia = by far.
* contrato basado en las diferencias de género = gender contract.
* con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.
* desaparecer las diferencias = blur + distinctions, blur + the lines between, blur + the boundaries between.
* desaparición de las diferencias = blurring of differences, blurring of roles, blurring of boundaries.
* desaparición de las diferencias entre = blurring of distinctions between.
* desdibujar las diferencias = blur + distinctions, blur + the boundaries between.
* detectar una diferencia = detect + difference.
* diferencia cada vez mayor entre ... y = widening of the gap beween .... and, widening gap between ... and.
* diferencia cada vez menor entre ... y = narrowing gap between ... and, narrowing of the gap between ... and, narrowing of the gap between ... and.
* diferencia cultural = cultural difference.
* diferencia debida al género = gender gap.
* diferencia debida al sexo = gender gap.
* diferencia de género = gender difference.
* diferencia de horario = time differences.
* diferencia de opinión (sobre) = difference of opinion (on).
* diferencia de precio = price differential.
* diferencia de precios = price differentiation.
* diferencia de retribución entre mujeres y hombres = gender pay gap.
* diferencia de sexo = gender difference.
* diferencia entre ... y ... es mínima = line between ... and ... is thin.
* diferencia generacional = generation gap.
* diferencia horaria = time differences.
* diferencia lingüística = language difference.
* diferencia lógica = logical difference.
* diferencia salarial = pay inequality.
* diferencias de opinión = shades of opinion.
* diferencias de precio = differential pricing.
* diferencias de sexo = gender.
* diferencia significativa = significant difference.
* diferencias insalvables = irreconcilable differences.
* diferencia social = social gap.
* eliminar diferencias = flatten out + differences.
* eliminar las diferencias = iron out + differences.
* establecer una diferencia = draw + demarcation.
* existir mucha diferencia entre ... y ... = be a far cry from ... to ....
* hacer frente a las diferencias = face + differences.
* indicar diferencias = point out + differences, note + difference, point to + differences.
* insensible a las diferencias de género = gender blind.
* limar las diferencias = iron out + differences, flatten out + differences.
* marcar la diferencia = make + the difference, make + a difference, spell + the difference.
* mostrar las diferencias = turn up + differences.
* nadie notaría la diferencia = no one would be the wiser.
* Número + años de diferencia = Número + year gap.
* paliar las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the gulf.
* que diferencia entre mayúscula y minúscula = case-sensitive.
* rectificar la diferencia = redress + imbalance, redress + the balance.
* reducción de las diferencias entre ... y = narrowing gap between ... and, narrowing of the gap between ... and.
* reducir las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the divide, bridge + the chasm, bridge + the gulf, close + the gap.
* reducir las diferencias entre ... y = narrow + the gap between ... and.
* representar la diferencia entre ... y = represent + the difference between ... and.
* resolver las diferencias = iron out + differences, resolve + differences, settle + differences, flatten out + differences, flush out + differences.
* resolver una diferencia = negotiate + difference.
* respetar una diferencia = observe + difference.
* respeto a la diferencia = respect to differences.
* sacar a relucir diferencias = turn up + differences.
* saldar las diferencias = iron out + differences.
* señalar diferencias = point out + differences, note + difference, point to + differences.
* significar la diferencia entre... y = mean + the difference between... and.
* sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
* sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
* suponer la diferencia entre el éxito o el fracaso = make or break.
* suponer una diferencia sobre = move + one away from.
* tener sus diferencias = have + their differences.


show business
show business (ingl.; pronunc. [shóu bísnes]) m. Mundo del *espectáculo.


Éxito (supermercado)

Éxito es una cadena colombiana de supermercados e hipermercados pertenecientes al Grupo Éxito. Es la cadena de supermercados más grande de Colombia y tiene presencia en el territorio nacional con alrededor de 390 almacenes ubicados en 175 municipios, siendo Bogotá la ciudad con más almacenes de la marca.