C.I.M.A.; C. I. M. A.; C I M A; CIMA
= apex, brow, pinnacle, summit, peak, ridge, crest.
Ex: A hierarchy is usually illustrated as a triangle with the ultimate authority at the apex of the triangle and authority flowing downward to all other parts of the triangle.
Ex: The library is poorly sited outside the shopping centre and on the brow of a hill, and faces competition from adjoining libraries.
Ex: There are, it is assumed, "high" and "low" forms of culture, especially in the field of the creative arts which are conceived of as somehow the pinnacle and foremost end of human life.
Ex: The article is entitled "Getting to the summit: how do you get there from here? A climber's guide to consortium formation".
Ex: Rob's death came as he neared the culmination of a personal quest to climb the highest peaks on each of the seven continents.
Ex: It is worth camping out there for the weekend but probably with mates as it is hard to convince the chicks they want to hike over a ridge to get to a place with no bogs.
Ex: In the crest of the timeworn Black Mountains lies the summit of Mount Mitchell, the highest point east of the Mississippi.
* cima de la colina = hilltop.