opinionated - significato, definizione, traduzione, pronuncia
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opinionated (inglese) - significato, definizione, traduzione, pronuncia

Part of Speech: - Adjective

Phonetic Transcription: - /əˈpɪnjəˌneɪtɪd/ (International Phonetic Alphabet) - /əˈpɪnjəˌneɪtɪd/ (Italian)

Meanings: - Holding strong opinions and expressing them confidently, without considering other views. - Inclined to express strong beliefs or judgements.

Usage Patterns: - The word "opinionated" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts in English. It is typically used to describe someone who has strong opinions and is not easily swayed by others' views.

Example Phrases: 1. She can be quite opinionated about politics. - Lei può essere piuttosto opinionata sulla politica.

  1. His opinionated nature often leads to debates.
  2. La sua natura opinionata spesso porta a dibattiti.

Idiomatic Expressions: - While "opinionated" itself is not part of many idiomatic expressions, it is often used in combination with other words to convey specific meanings. Some examples include: 1. Strong-willed and opinionated: - He is both strong-willed and opinionated, making it difficult to change his mind. - È determinato e opinionato, rendendo difficile cambiarlo.

  1. Proud and opinionated:
  2. She comes off as proud and opinionated, but deep down, she values other perspectives
    • Lei appare orgogliosa e opinionata, ma in fondo apprezza altre prospettive.

Etymology: - The word "opinionated" derives from the noun "opinion," ultimately from the Latin word "opinio," meaning "opinion" or "belief."

Sinonimi: - Assertive, dogmatic, adamant, firm

Antonimi: - Open-minded, receptive, flexible, impartial