sair - significato, definizione, traduzione, pronuncia
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sair (portoghese) - significato, definizione, traduzione, pronuncia

Part of speech: verb

Phonetic transcription: [sɐˈiɾ]

Meanings: The word "sair" in Portuguese means "to go out" or "to leave." It is a frequently used verb in both oral and written contexts. It can refer to physically leaving a place, exiting a situation, or ending a relationship.

Usage patterns: "Sair" is a high-frequency verb in Portuguese and is commonly used both in spoken and written language. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts to express the action of leaving or going out.

Verb forms: - Presente: - Eu saio - Tu sais - Ele/ela sai - Nós saímos - Vós saís - Eles/elas saem

Examples: 1. Vamos sair para jantar esta noite. (Andiamo a cena stasera.) 2. Ela quer sair cedo do trabalho hoje. (Lei vuole uscire presto dal lavoro oggi.)

Idiomatic expressions: - "Sair à francesa" (To leave without saying goodbye): - Ele sempre sai à francesa das festas. - Lui esce sempre alla francese dalle feste.

Etymology: "Sair" comes from the Latin word "salire," which means "to jump" or "to leap."

Synonyms: - Deixar (to leave) - Ir embora (to go away) - Partir (to depart)

Antonyms: - Entrar (to enter) - Ficar (to stay) - Chegar (to arrive)