Repay - definitie. Wat is Repay
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Wat (wie) is Repay - definitie

Delay Repay; National rail conditions of carriage; National Rail Conditions of Carriage

(repays, repaying, repaid)
If you repay a loan or a debt, you pay back the money that you owe to the person who you borrowed or took it from.
He advanced funds of his own to his company, which was unable to repay him.
If you repay a favour that someone did for you, you do something for them in return.
It was very kind. I don't know how I can ever repay you...
v. a.
Refund, reimburse, pay back, restore, return.
Remunerate, compensate, reward, recompense, requite, satisfy.
Retaliate, revenge, avenge.
¦ verb (past and past participle repaid)
1. pay back (a loan).
pay back money owed to (someone).
2. do or give something as recompense for (a favour or kindness received).
3. Brit. be worth devoting time to (a specified action).
repayable adjective
repayment noun


National Rail Conditions of Travel

The National Rail Conditions of Travel (NRCoT) is a contractual document setting out the consumer's rights and responsibilities when travelling on the National Rail railway network in Great Britain. These replaced the National Rail Conditions of Carriage (NRCoC) as of 1 October 2016.

Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Repay
1. Even if a company can‘t repay all its debt, it will repay some.
2. "But from past experience, we know that if someone promises to repay 60 percent, you‘re lucky if they repay 40 percent," said one.
3. The Prophet is instructing you to see him tomorrow.» The Prophet loved to repay any favor done to him, and he wished to repay for his kindness.
4. The Treasury plans to repay the largest sum of forei...
5. Burris said he‘d never been asked to repay the money.