Bielefeld Academic Search Engine;
= base, base, base plate, basis [bases, -pl.], basis [bases, -pl.], bedrock, core, cornerstone [corner-stone], foundation, grounding, underpinning, cradle, warp and woof.
Ex: The reader should now have a reasonably firm base from which to begin a more detailed reading of the specification of elements.
Ex: The base of a notation is the set of symbols used in a specific notation.
Ex: The two windows in the base plate of the scanner help move the read head accurately across the bar codes.
Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.
Ex: We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.
Ex: The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.
Ex: Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.
Ex: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.
Ex: The experience gained with these special schemes provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme.
Ex: The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.
Ex: "I have to leave fairly soon," he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business".
Ex: Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.
* a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.
* a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
* a base de cometer errores = the hard way.
* a base de errores = the hard way.
* afianzar las bases = strengthen + foundations.
* aplicar una capa base = prime.
* aprender Algo a base de cometer errores = learn + Nombre + the hard way.
* banda de base = baseband.
* basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.
* base cognitiva = knowledge base [knowledge-base].
* base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.
* base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.
* base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.
* base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.
* base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database, cataloguing database.
* base de datos comercial = commercial database.
* base de datos completa = full-provision database.
* base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.
* base de datos cruzada = cross database.
* base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.
* base de datos de autoridades = authority database.
* base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.
* base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.
* base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.
* base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.
* base de datos de educación = ERIC.
* base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.
* base de datos de investigación = research database.
* base de datos del deporte = SPORT.
* base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.
* base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.
* base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.
* base de datos de negocios = business database.
* base de datos de pago = subscription database.
* base de datos de patentes = WPI.
* base de datos de propiedades = properties database.
* base de datos de referencia = reference database.
* base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.
* base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.
* base de datos de texto = textual data base, text-oriented database, text database.
* base de datos de texto completo = full text database.
* base de datos de texto libre = free text database.
* base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.
* base de datos distribuida = distributed database.
* base de datos documental = textual data base.
* base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.
* base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.
* base de datos en estado original = raw database.
* base de datos en línea = online database.
* base de datos estadística = statistical database.
* base de datos externa = external database.
* base de datos factual = factual database.
* base de datos financiera = financial database.
* base de datos interna = in-house database.
* base de datos jurídica = legal database.
* base de datos local = local area database.
* base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.
* base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
* base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.
* base de datos numérico-textual = textual-numeric database, text-numeric database.
* base de datos relacional = relational database.
* base de datos residente = resident database.
* base de datos terminológica = terminology database.
* base de datos textual = textual data base.
* base de operaciones = home base.
* base de un número = subscript numeral.
* base impositiva = tax base.
* base lógica = rationale.
* base militar = military base.
* bases = background.
* base teórica = theoretical underpinning, theoretical underpinning.
* búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.
* campamento base = base camp.
* como base para = as a basis for.
* con base empírica = empirically-based.
* con base en = based in.
* conformar las bases = set + the framework.
* conocimiento de base = foundation study.
* constituir la base = form + the foundation.
* constituir la base de = form + the basis of.
* construir la base = form + the skeleton.
* creador de bases de datos = database producer.
* crear una base = form + a basis.
* de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].
* descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).
* directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.
* distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.
* distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.
* en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
* en la base = at the core (of).
* en su base = at its core.
* específico de una base de datos = database-specific.
* formar la base = form + the foundation.
* formar la base de = form + the basis of.
* gestión de bases de datos = database management.
* gestor de bases de datos = database management system (DBMS), DBMS system.
* gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.
* hecho a base de parches = patchwork.
* industria de las bases de datos = database industry.
* línea base = baseline [base line].
* meta base de datos = meta-database.
* montar una base de datos = mount + database.
* novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés = formula fiction.
* organismo de base popular = grassroots organisation.
* partir de la base de que = start from + the premise that, build on + the premise that.
* poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.
* portada de una base de datos = file banner.
* presupuesto de base cero = zero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB), zero-base(d) budget.
* productor de bases de datos = database producer.
* programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.
* proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.
* que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.
* remedio a base de hierbas = herbal remedy.
* sentar base = make + things happen.
* sentar las bases = lay + foundation, set + the scene, set + the wheels in motion, set + the tone, set + the framework, set + the pattern, provide + the basis, lay + the basis for, provide + the material for.
* sentar las bases de Algo = lay + the groundwork for.
* ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.
* sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
* sobre esta base = on this basis, on that basis.
* sobre la base de = in relation to, on the usual basis.
* subsistir a base de = live on.
* tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.
* tratamiento a base de hierbas = herbal treatment.