con el paso del tiempo
= over the years, over time, with the passage of time, in due course, over a period of time, in the course of time, over the course of time
Ex: Thus, over the years it has been used to index reports, trade Literature, periodical articles and other similar documents. Ex: A search can be extended over time by cycling, that is, starting with a source document, identifying those documents which it cites, and then identifying those documents which the original cited document cites, and so on. Ex: Such recommendations can be viewed as attempts to shortcircuit a system which has creaked more noticeably with the passage of time. Ex: In due course, the following 19 ideas were found scribbled on six sheets of paper which were taped to the walls of the room. Ex: The vibration may cause the chips to work loose over a period of time, and if they have to be pushed back into their sockets, it is very easy to bend or break one of the "legs". Ex: This article presents Bradford's Law and some views on its applicability, development and modifications undergone in the course of time. Ex: These 'stages of development" in the life cycle of a company presage a turnaround situation for that company over the course of time.