ChatGPT-woordenboek op basis van kunstmatige intelligentie
Woordenboek ChatGPT

Engels woordenboek

"    $    &    '    (    *    +    -    /    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    ?    @    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I        J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    ¡    ·    ¿    ×    À    Á        Ä    Å    Æ    Ç    È    É    Í    Π   Ñ    Ó    Õ    Ö    Ø    Ú    Ü    Þ    Ā    Ć    Č    Đ    Ē    Ğ    Ġ    Ī    Ľ    Ł    Ō    Ś    Ş    Š    Ż    Ž    Ș    Ț    Ə    ʻ    ʽ    ʿ    Α    Δ                   
Woorden die beginnen met "H": 94167
hold in check
hold it
hold no brief for
hold off
hold on
hold on to
hold one's breath
hold one's horses
hold one's own
hold one's peace
hold one's tongue
hold one's whisht
hold onto
hold out
hold out for
hold out on
hold over
hold own
hold peace
hold someone in contempt
hold someone to
hold someone to bail {{Law}}
hold someone to ransom
hold someone/thing harmless {{Law}}
hold someone/thing in
hold someone/thing in contempt
hold someone/thing off
hold someone/thing up
hold something against
hold something dear
hold something down
hold something in fee Law,
hold something over
hold sway
hold the field
hold the fort
hold the line
hold the purse strings
hold the ring
hold the stage
hold to
hold to ransom
hold together
hold tongue
hold up
hold water
hold with
hold with{{ with negative }}
holder in due course
holding company
holding pattern
holdover tenancy
hole card
hole in the heart
hole in the wall
hole model
hole of Pluto
hole out