ChatGPT-woordenboek op basis van kunstmatige intelligentie
Woordenboek ChatGPT

Engels-Spaans woordenboek

"    #    (    -    /    1    2    3    4    5    7    8    9    @    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    ¡    ¿    Á    É    Í    Ñ    Ó    Ú   
Woorden die beginnen met "B": 20059
by sight
by six o"clock
by so doing
by stealth
by surprise
by tele(phone)
by telegraph
by telephone
by the + Expresión Temporal
by the authority vested in him
by the bedside
by the book
by the by
by the by(e)
by the bye
by the close of + Expresión Temporal
by the close of business
by the end of
by the grace of God
by the handful
by the lakeside
by the looks of it
by the millions
by the naked eye
by the name of
by the nature of things
by the order of + Expresión Numérica
by the piece
by the power vested in
by the roadside
by the sackful
by the same token
by the side of
by the skin of + Posesivo + teeth
by the skin of one"s teeth
by the square
by the sweat of + Posesivo + brow
by the sweat of his brow
by the sweat of thy brow
by the sword
by the time
by the turn of + Período de Tiempo
by the turn of the century
by the use of
by the way
by the way 1
by the way 2
by the way of (a) digression
by the week
by themselves
by then
by this means
by this presents
by this time
by touch
by train
by trial and error
by turns
by use of
by virtue of
by virtue of law
by water
by way of
by way of 1
by way of 2
by way of contrast
by way of illustration
by way of speaking
by weight
by what means