ChatGPT-woordenboek op basis van kunstmatige intelligentie
Woordenboek ChatGPT

Engels-Russisch woordenboek

"    '    (    -    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    £    А    Б    В    Г    Д    Е    Ж    З    И    К    Л    М    Н    О    П    Р    С    Т    У    Ф    Х    Ц    Ч    Ш    Щ    Э    Ю    Я   
Woorden die beginnen met "I": 31580
it isn't fun to pack along the trail
it isn't in line with my ideas at all
it isn't worth a rap
it jolly well isn't worth it
it just might work
it kept me from school
it lacerates my heart
it leaves much to be desired
it left a gall in his mind
it licks all creation
it lies heavy on his conscience
it lies north and south
it lies with you to decide this question
it lies within the scope of possible events
it lightens
it liked me not
it likes me well
it looks as if /as though/ we are going to have trouble
it looks as if he can stand drink
it looks as if it may rain
it looks as though he's gone
it looks as though it might rain
it looks like gold
it looks like rain
it looks like rain /like raining/
it looks like rain ‹snow›
it looks like snow
it looks to me suspiciously like measles
it looks well in the picture
it looks ‹sounds› fishy
it made a bearable drink
it made him feel like a social cull
it made him gasp
it made his blood run cold
it made me dizzy
it made me feel rather mean
it made my blood freeze
it made my hair stand
it made my head ache
it made no matter to him that his brother lost all his money
it makes a great difference, it makes all the difference in the world
it makes a vast difference
it makes a world of difference
it makes all the difference in the world
it makes me retch
it makes me sick at my stomach to look at him
it makes me sick to think that it is so
it makes me think you are right
it makes my flesh/blood creep
it makes my head sing
it makes no difference
it makes no difference (to me)
it makes one's mouth water
it marks a step in human progress
it matters a good deal to me
it matters little
it matters little whether we go or stay
it may be as much as five miles to Winchester
it may be news to many of our readers that ...
it may be productive of much good
it may be said in his defence that ...
it may be said without exaggeration that ...
it may be true
it may be worth our effort to investigate the matter
it may bring about a change of the Cabinet
it may cost you your life
it may have been some distraction for her
it may have been true
it may never fall out that we meet again
it may not be true