Sociological classifications of religious movements
Church-sect typology; Ecclesia (sociology of religion); Client cult; Religious movement; Therapy cult; Audience cult; World-rejecting movement; World-accommodating movement; World-affirming movement; World-rejection; Classifications of cults and new religious movements; Religious movements; World-affirming movements; World-rejecting movements; World-accommodating movements; Church sect typology; Church (sociology of religion); New Religious Movements, Cults, and Sects; Typology of cults; Church–sect–cult typology; Church-sect-cult typology; Classifications of religious movements; Sociological classification of religious movements; Church-sect theory
Various sociological classifications of religious movements have been proposed by scholars. In the sociology of religion, the most widely used classification is the church-sect [The typology is differently construed by different sociologists, and various distinctive features have been proposed to characterise churches and sects.