Human–computer interaction (security)
Human-Computer Interaction; Human-computer interface; Human computer interaction; Computer-human interaction; Human-Computer Interface; Human Computer Interaction; Computer-human interface; Human--computer interaction; Interactive processing; Human–Machine Interaction; User interaction; Human–machine interaction; Human–computer interaction (security); HCISec; Hcisec; HCI-Sec; Human-Machine Interaction; Human-computer Interaction; Human-computer interaction; HumanComputerInteraction; Human-computer interaction (security); Human – computer interaction; Human Computer interaction; Human-Computer interaction; Human–computer interface; Human-machine interaction; Human Computer Interface; Human-computer interactions; Human computer interface; Human - computer interaction; Human–Computer Interaction; HCID; Machine-to-human communication
HCISec is the study of interaction between humans and computers, or human–computer interaction, specifically as it pertains to information security. Its aim, in plain terms, is to improve the usability of security features in end user applications.