IBM personal computer - определение. Что такое IBM personal computer
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Что (кто) такое IBM personal computer - определение

IBMPC; IBM 5150; Ibm 5150; IBM-PC; IBM PCs; IBM/PC; IBM PC 5150; IBM PC; IBM 5150 PC; 5150s; IBM personal computer; Project chess; Project Chess; IBM home computer
  • alt=
  • 5152]] printer and paper stand (1988)
  • [[Digital Research]] [[CP/M-86]] Version 1.0 for the IBM PC
  • PC DOS 3.30 running on an IBM PC
  • Model F]] keyboard
  • alt=
  • alt=
  • IBM PC with MDA monitor
Найдено результатов: 5505
IBM PC         
<computer> International Business Machines Personal Computer. IBM PCs and compatible models from other vendors are the most widely used computer systems in the world. They are typically single user personal computers, although they have been adapted into multi-user models for special applications. Note: "IBM PC" is used in this dictionary to denote IBM and compatible personal computers, and to distinguish these from other personal computers, though the phrase "PC" is often used elsewhere, by those who know no better, to mean "IBM PC or compatible". There are hundreds of models of IBM compatible computers. They are based on Intel's microprocessors: Intel 8086, Intel 8088, Intel 80286, Intel 80386, Intel 486 or Pentium. The models of IBM's first-generation Personal Computer (PC) series have names: IBM PC, IBM PC XT, {IBM PC AT}, Convertible and Portable. The models of its second generation, the Personal System/2 (PS/2), are known by model number: Model 25, Model 30. Within each series, the models are also commonly referenced by their CPU clock rate. All IBM personal computers are software compatible with each other in general, but not every program will work in every machine. Some programs are time sensitive to a particular speed class. Older programs will not take advantage of newer higher-resolution display standards. The speed of the CPU (microprocessor) is the most significant factor in machine performance. It is determined by its clock rate and the number of bits it can process internally. It is also determined by the number of bits it transfers across its data bus. The second major performance factor is the speed of the hard disk. CAD and other graphics-intensive application programs can be sped up with the addition of a mathematics coprocessor, a chip which plugs into a special socket available in almost all machines. Intel 8086 and Intel 8088-based PCs require EMS (expanded memory) boards to work with more than one megabyte of memory. All these machines run under MS-DOS. The original IBM PC AT used an Intel 80286 processor which can access up to 16 megabytes of memory (though standard MS-DOS applications cannot use more than one megabyte without EMS). Intel 80286-based computers running under OS/2 can work with the maximum memory. Although IBM sells printers for PCs, most printers will work with them. As with display hardware, the software vendor must support a wide variety of printers. Each program must be installed with the appropriate printer driver. The original 1981 IBM PC's keyboard was severely criticised by typists for its non-standard placement of the return and left shift keys. In 1984, IBM corrected this on its AT keyboard, but shortened the backspace key, making it harder to reach. In 1987, it introduced its Enhanced keyboard, which relocated all the function keys and placed the control key in an awkward location for touch typists. The escape key was relocated to the opposite side of the keyboard. By relocating the function keys, IBM made it impossible for software vendors to use them intelligently. What's easy to reach on one keyboard is difficult on the other, and vice versa. To the touch typist, these deficiencies are maddening. An "IBM PC compatible" may have a keyboard which does not recognize every key combination a true IBM PC does, e.g. shifted cursor keys. In addition, the "compatible" vendors sometimes use proprietary keyboard interfaces, preventing you from replacing the keyboard. The 1981 PC had 360K floppy disks. In 1984, IBM introduced the 1.2 megabyte floppy disk along with its AT model. Although often used as backup storage, the high density floppy is not often used for interchangeability. In 1986, IBM introduced the 720K 3.5" microfloppy disk on its Convertible laptop computer. It introduced the 1.44 megabyte double density version with the PS/2 line. These disk drives can be added to existing PCs. Fixed, non-removable, hard disks for IBM compatibles are available with storage capacities from 20 to over 600 megabytes. If a hard disk is added that is not compatible with the existing disk controller, a new controller board must be plugged in. However, one disk's internal standard does not conflict with another, since all programs and data must be copied onto it to begin with. Removable hard disks that hold at least 20 megabytes are also available. When a new peripheral device, such as a monitor or scanner, is added to an IBM compatible, a corresponding, new controller board must be plugged into an expansion slot (in the bus) in order to electronically control its operation. The PC and XT had eight-bit busses; the AT had a 16-bit bus. 16-bit boards will not fit into 8-bit slots, but 8-bit boards will fit into 16-bit slots. Intel 80286 and Intel 80386 computers provide both 8-bit and 16-bit slots, while the 386s also have proprietary 32-bit memory slots. The bus in high-end models of the PS/2 line is called "Micro Channel". EISA is a non-IBM rival to Micro Channel. The original IBM PC came with BASIC in ROM. Later, Basic and BasicA were distributed on floppy but ran and referenced routines in ROM. IBM PC and PS/2 models PC range Intro CPU Features PC Aug 1981 8088 Floppy disk system XT Mar 1983 8088 Slow hard disk XT/370 Oct 1983 8088 IBM 370 mainframe emulation 3270 PC Oct 1983 8088 with 3270 terminal emulation PCjr Nov 1983 8088 Floppy-based home computer PC Portable Feb 1984 8088 Floppy-based portable AT Aug 1984 286 Medium-speed hard disk Convertible Apr 1986 8088 Microfloppy laptop portable XT 286 Sep 1986 286 Slow hard disk PS/2 range Intro CPU Features Model 1987-08-25 8086 PC bus (limited expansion) Model 1987-04-30 8086 PC bus Model 30 1988-09-286 286 PC bus Model 1987-04-50 286 Micro Channel bus Model 50Z Jun 1988 286 Faster Model 50 Model 55 SX May 1989 386SX Micro Channel bus Model 1987-04-60 286 Micro Channel bus Model 1988-06-70 386 Desktop, Micro Channel bus Model P1989-05-70 386 Portable, Micro Channel bus Model 1987-04-80 386 Tower, Micro Channel bus IBM PC compatible specifications CPU CPU Clock Bus Floppy Hard bus speed width RAM disk disk OS bit Mhz bit byte inch byte Mbyte 8088 16 4.8-9.5 8 1M* 5.25 360K 10-40 DOS 3.5 720K 3.5 1.44M 8086 16 6-12 16 1M* 20-60 286 16 6-25 16 1-8M* 5.25 360K 20-300 DOS 5.25 1.2M OS/2 386 32 16-33 32 1-16M** 3.5 720K Unix 3.5 1.44M 40-600 386SX 32 16-33 16 1-16M** 40-600 *Under DOS, RAM is expanded beyond 1M with EMS memory boards **Under DOS, RAM is expanded beyond 1M with normal "extended" memory and a memory management program. See also BIOS, display standard. (1995-05-12)
IBM PC XT         
  • IBM PC/XT 5160 dual floppy drives with 5153 Color Monitor
IBM PC-XT; PC/XT; PC XT; PC-XT; IBM XT; XT class; IBM/XT; IBM 5160 Personal Computer XT; IBM 5160; IBM 5162 Personal Computer XT/286; IBM PC/XT; XT Computer; IBM XT 286; IBM PC XT; IBM model 5160; 286 XT; IBM PC 5160; IBM Personal Computer/XT; IBM 5162; XT clones
<computer> An IBM PC with a (slow) hard disk. The XT was released in March 1983. It had an Intel 8088 CPU. The XT/370, released in October 1983, added IBM 370 mainframe emulation, and the XT 286 followed in September 1986 with an Intel 80286 CPU [Why?]. (1996-05-21)
IBM PC AT         
IBM PC AT; IBM PC/AT; IBM PC-AT; PC/AT; PC AT; IBM AT; IBM/AT; IBM 5170 Personal Computer/AT; IBM 5170; IBM Personal Computer/AT; 5170s; AT Computer; IBM PC 5170; AT Multiuser System; IBM AT Multiuser System
<computer> ("Advanced Technology") A version of the IBM PC, released in Aug 1984 with an Intel 80286 processor, a 16-bit bus, a medium-speed hard disk and a 1.2 megabyte floppy disk drive. It had a larger case than the PC, which allowed it to accept "tall cards". The AT keyboard corrected the PC's non-standard placement of the return and left shift keys but shortened the backspace key, making it harder to reach. (1995-03-01)
PC AT         
IBM PC AT; IBM PC/AT; IBM PC-AT; PC/AT; PC AT; IBM AT; IBM/AT; IBM 5170 Personal Computer/AT; IBM 5170; IBM Personal Computer/AT; 5170s; AT Computer; IBM PC 5170; AT Multiuser System; IBM AT Multiuser System
Computer-assisted personal interviewing         
Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing; Computer assisted personal interviewing; Computer-assisted self interviewing
Computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) is an interviewing technique in which the respondent or interviewer uses an electronic device to answer the questions. It is similar to computer-assisted telephone interviewing, except that the interview takes place in person instead of over the telephone.
History of personal computers         
  • 1975: [[Altair 8800]]
  • Apr. 1977: [[Apple II]]}}
  • Atari 800
  • 1985: [[Atari ST]]
  • The CD-ROM and CD-RW drives became standards for most personal computers.
  • 1982: [[Commodore 64]]
  • 1970: [[Datapoint 2200]].}}
  • Compaq DeskPro 386S, IBM PC compatible computer with Intel 80386 processor}}
  • HP Vectra 286/12 PC, IBM PC compatible computer with Intel 80286 processor}}
  • 1975: [[IBM 5100]]
  • 1981: [[IBM 5150]]}}
  • ThinkPad 720
  • 1998: [[iMac G3]] in "Bondi Blue"
  • Apple Macintosh]]}}
  • MikroMikko 4 TT, IBM PC compatible computer with Intel 80486 processor}}
  • 1990: NeXTstation
  • 200px
  • Oct. 1977: [[Commodore PET]]
  • Nov. 1977: TRS-80 Model I (with optional Expansion Interface beneath the monitor)
  • 1979: Texas Instruments' TI-99/4
  • The three computers whose makers ''Byte'' magazine referred to as the "1977 Trinity" – from left to right: the Commodore PET 2001, the Apple II, and the Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 1
  • 1973: [[Xerox Alto]]
  • Sinclair ZX Spectrum
History of the PC; History of the personal computer; History of personal computer; Microcomputer revolution; 1990s computer; Personal computer revolution; PC revolution; 1977 trinity; 1977 Trinity
The history of the personal computer as a mass-market consumer electronic device began with the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s. A personal computer is one intended for interactive individual use, as opposed to a mainframe computer where the end user's requests are filtered through operating staff, or a time-sharing system in which one large processor is shared by many individuals.
  • Model 25 SX]] (8525-L41)
  • The externally very similar Models 60 and 80 next to each other
  • 3.5" DD and HD floppies
  • IBM Model 70 (case open over case closed)
  • Some PS/2 models used a quick-attachment socket on the back of the floppy drive which is incompatible with a standard 5.25" floppy connector.
  • PS/2 N33SX laptop (1992)
  • bootstrapping]], power-off
  • MCA IBM XGA-2 Graphics Card
  • Model 25]]
Personal System/2; PS/2; IBM Personal System; IBM 6152 RT; IBM Image Adapter/A; Academic System 6152; Academic System 6152 RT; IBM 6152; IBM Academic System 6152; IBM Academic System 6152 RT; IBM 6152 Academic System; 6152 Academic System; IBM Personal System/2; User:DigitalIceAge/IBM PS/2 Model 80; Ultimedia
<computer> IBM's second generation of personal computers. The PS/2 series introduced three advances over the PC series: 3.5" 1.44 megabyte microfloppy disks, VGA and 8514 graphics display standards, and the Micro Channel bus architecture. The 3.5" disks and VGA can be easily installed on other PCs and will become the standard for new compatible computers. The Micro Channel bus allows for multiprocessing and less aggravation, but cannot be retrofitted to older PCs. PS/2 models 25 and 30 are ISA, other models have Micro Channel and ESDI. (1995-11-27)
  •  User manual and diskette for IBM PC&nbsp;DOS 1.1
  • Retail box of IBM PC DOS 3.30
PC DOS; PCDOS; PC-DOS; List of IBM PC DOS versions; List of IBM PC Dos versions; PC/DOS; IBM PC-DOS; IBM DOS; IBM Personal Computer DOS; PC DOS 2000; IBM PC DOS 2000; PC DOS 7.0; PC DOS 7.10; PC DOS 1.0; PC DOS 1.00; PC DOS 1.1; PC DOS 1.10; PC DOS 2.0; PC DOS 2.00; PC DOS 2.1; PC DOS 2.10; PC DOS 3.0; PC DOS 3.00; PC DOS 3.1; PC DOS 3.10; PC DOS 3.2; PC DOS 3.20; PC DOS 3.3; PC DOS 3.30; PC DOS 4.00; PC DOS 5.00; PC DOS 6.1; PC DOS 6.10; PC DOS 6.3; PC DOS 6.30; PC DOS 7.00; PC DOS 7.1; IBM DOS 3.3; IBM DOS 4.0; IBM DOS 5.0; PC DOS 3.21; PC DOS 4.01; PC DOS 5.01; PC DOS 5.02; IBM DOS 3.30; IBM DOS 4.00; IBM DOS 4.01; IBM DOS 5.00; IBM DOS 5.01; IBM DOS 5.02; PC DOS 2.11; PC DOS 7; IBM PC DOS 7; IBM DOS 4.02; PC DOS 4.02; PC DOS 3.4; IBM DOS 3.4; IBM DOS 3.40; PC DOS 3.40; PC DOS 5.0; PC DOS "Lifeboat"; PC DOS "Captain"; PC DOS "Jetski"; PC DOS Lifeboat; PC DOS Captain; PC DOS Jetski
Personal Computer DOS (Reference: OS, DOS, IBM, PC), "Style: PC-DOS"
Dive computer         
  • Confirmation message  for gas change on Ratio iX3M dive computer
  • Bottom timer
  • High oxygen partial pressure warning on Shearwater Perdix dive computer
  • iDive DAN personal dive computer display showing decompression requirement and other data during a dive The central band shows time to surface from current depth, stop depth and stop time.
  • Dive computer dive profile display
  • Dive computer showing three oxygen cell readings from a CCR in the middle row
  • Head-up display mounted on rebreather moutpiece
  • Mask with head-up display at focal distance of about 2&nbsp;m
  • Ratio iX3M gps dive computer normal display during dive
  • Shearwater Perdix and Ratio iX3M GPS dive computers in compass mode
  • Shearwater Perdix dive computer low battery warning display
  • Shearwater Perdix showing decompression obligations just before ascent on main screen layout
  • Submersible wireless pressure transmitter for remote dive computer display
  • Schematic structure of a dive computer
  • Technical diver]] wearing a dive computer on his left wrist during a decompression stop.
Diving computer; Dive computers; Decompression meter; Personal decompression computer; Decompression computer; Bottom timer; Gas-integrated dive computer; Pressure transmitter(diving)
A dive computer, personal decompression computer or decompression meter is a device used by an underwater diver to measure the elapsed time and depth during a dive and use this data to calculate and display an ascent profile which according to the programmed decompression algorithm, will give a low risk of decompression sickness.
PC-based IBM mainframe-compatible systems         
  • IBM PC Server 500 - this server can contains a P/390 board
  • IBM XT/370 board and diagnostic diskette
  • IBM S/390 Integrated Server
S/390 Integrated Server; PC-based IBM-compatible Mainframes; Personal Computer XT/370; IBM 7437; XT/370; PC-XT/370; IBM Personal Computer XT/370; IBM Personal Computer AT/370; Personal Computer AT/370; AT/370; IBM 7437 VM/SP Technical Workstation; 7437 VM/SP Technical Workstation; IBM Personal System/370; Personal System/370; IBM PS/370; PS/370; IBM XT/370; IBM AT/370; PC-based IBM-compatible mainframes
Since the rise of the personal computer in the 1980s, IBM and other vendors have created PC-based IBM-compatible mainframes which are compatible with the larger IBM mainframe computers. For a period of time PC-based mainframe-compatible systems had a lower price and did not require as much electricity or floor space.


IBM Personal Computer

The IBM Personal Computer (model 5150, commonly known as the IBM PC) is the first microcomputer released in the IBM PC model line and the basis for the IBM PC compatible de facto standard. Released on August 12, 1981, it was created by a team of engineers and designers directed by Don Estridge in Boca Raton, Florida.

The machine was based on open architecture and third-party peripherals. Over time, expansion cards and software technology increased to support it.

The PC had a substantial influence on the personal computer market. The specifications of the IBM PC became one of the most popular computer design standards in the world. The only significant competition it faced from a non-compatible platform throughout the 1980s was from the Apple Macintosh product line. The majority of contemporary personal computers are distant descendants of the IBM PC.