Note - определение. Что такое Note
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Что (кто) такое Note - определение

Notes; NOTE; Note (disambiguation)
Найдено результатов: 948
¦ noun
1. a brief written record of facts, topics, or thoughts, used as an aid to memory.
an annotation.
2. a short informal written message.
a short official document of certification.
an official letter sent from the representative of one government to another.
3. Brit. a banknote.
a written promise or notice of payment of various kinds.
4. a single tone of definite pitch made by a musical instrument or the human voice.
a written sign representing the pitch and duration of such a sound.
a key of a piano or similar instrument.
5. a bird's song or call, or a single tone in this.
6. a particular quality or tone expressing a mood or attitude: there was a note of scorn in her voice.
7. any of the basic components of a fragrance or flavour.
¦ verb
1. pay attention to.
2. record in writing.
hit (or strike) the right (or wrong) note say or do something in the right (or wrong) way.
of note important.
strike (or sound) a note of express (a particular feeling or view).
take note pay attention.
ME: from OFr. note (n.), noter (v.), from L. nota 'a mark', notare 'to mark'.
1) to make a note of (she made a note of the exact time)
2) to take note of
short letter
official letter
3) to compose, write a note
4) to address; deliver a note
5) to drop, send smb. a note
6) a diplomatic; protest note
7) a note from; to
musical tone
8) to hit, strike a note (she hit the high note beautifully)
9) a false note (also fig.)
10) a high; low note
11) (AE) an eighth; half; quarter; whole note
characteristic feature
12) to strike a note (to strike a sour note)
13) a discordant; false; festive; fresh; jarring; optimistic; personal; pessimistic; sour; triumphant note
14) on a note (the meeting ended on an optimistic note)
document relating to a debt
15) to discount a note
16) a demand; promissory; treasury note
17) a note matures
paper money
18) a banknote; pound note
1) (L) we noted that she was late again
2) (Q) note how it is done
(notes, noting, noted)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
A note is a short letter.
Stevens wrote him a note asking him to come to his apartment...
I'll have to leave a note for Karen.
= message
A note is something that you write down to remind yourself of something.
I knew that if I didn't make a note I would lose the thought so I asked to borrow a pen or pencil...
Take notes during the consultation as the final written report is very concise.
In a book or article, a note is a short piece of additional information.
See Note 16 on page p. 223.
A note is a short document that has to be signed by someone and that gives official information about something.
Since Mr Bennett was going to need some time off work, he asked for a sick note...
I've got half a ton of gravel in the lorry but he won't sign my delivery note.
N-COUNT: with supp
You can refer to a banknote as a note. (BRIT; in AM, use bill
They exchange travellers cheques at a different rate from notes.
...a five pound note.
In music, a note is the sound of a particular pitch, or a written symbol representing this sound.
She has a deep voice and doesn't even try for the high notes...
N-COUNT: usu with supp
You can use note to refer to a particular quality in someone's voice that shows how they are feeling.
There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business...
It was not difficult for him to catch the note of bitterness in my voice.
= tone
N-SING: with supp, usu N of n
You can use note to refer to a particular feeling, impression, or atmosphere.
Yesterday's testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement...
Somehow he tells these stories without a note of horror...
The furniture strikes a traditional note which is appropriate to its Edwardian setting.
N-SING: with supp
If you note a fact, you become aware of it.
The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN resolutions...
Suddenly, I noted that the rain had stopped...
Haig noted how he 'looked pinched and rather tired'.
VERB: V n, V that, V wh
If you tell someone to note something, you are drawing their attention to it.
Note the statue to Sallustio Bandini, a prominent Sienese...
Please note that there are a limited number of tickets.
VERB: V n, V that
If you note something, you mention it in order to draw people's attention to it.
The report notes that export and import volumes picked up in leading economies...
The yearbook also noted a sharp drop in reported cases of sexually transmitted disease.
= observe
VERB: V that, V n
When you note something, you write it down as a record of what has happened.
'He has had his tonsils out and has been ill, too,' she noted in her diary...
One policeman was clearly visible noting the number plates of passing cars...
A guard came and took our names and noted where each of us was sitting.
VERB: V with quote, V n, V wh, also V that
If you compare notes with someone on a particular subject, you talk to them and find out whether their opinion, information, or experience is the same as yours.
The women were busily comparing notes on the queen's outfit...
= discuss
PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR on n, PHR with n
Someone or something that is of note is important, worth mentioning, or well-known.
...politicians of note...
He has published nothing of note in the last ten years.
If someone or something strikes a particular note or sounds a particular note, they create a particular feeling, impression, or atmosphere.
Before his first round of discussions, Mr Baker sounded an optimistic note...
Plants growing out of cracks in paving strike the right note up a cottage-garden path.
PHRASE: V inflects
If you take note of something, you pay attention to it because you think that it is important or significant.
Take note of the weather conditions...
They took note that she showed no surprise at the news of the murder.
PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR of n, PHR that
to make a mental note: see mental
condensed record
1) to make, take notes (our students always take copious notes)
2) (usu. fig.) to compare notes
n. a promissory note, a written statement of debt by one or more people to one or more people, with a statement of a specific amount owed or due, date it is due, interest (if any) on the amount, and other terms such as installments, penalty for late payment, full amount due if delinquent, how secured (as by real property), and attorneys' fees and costs if required to collect on the note. See also: promissory note
·- Know not; knows not.
II. Note ·noun Need; needful business.
III. Note ·noun Stigma; brand; reproach.
IV. Note ·noun Observation; notice; heed.
V. Note ·noun Nut.
VI. Note ·noun A key of the piano or organ.
VII. Note ·noun State of being under observation.
VIII. Note ·noun A short informal letter; a billet.
IX. Note ·noun To Annotate.
X. Note ·noun To set down in musical characters.
XI. Note ·noun Notification; information; intelligence.
XII. Note ·noun Reputation; distinction; as, a poet of note.
XIII. Note ·noun A musical sound; a tone; an utterance; a tune.
XIV. Note ·noun A diplomatic missive or written communication.
XV. Note ·noun To record in writing; to make a memorandum of.
XVI. Note ·vt To Butt; to push with the horns.
XVII. Note ·noun A list of items or of charges; an Account.
XVIII. Note ·noun To Denote; to Designate.
XIX. Note ·noun A brief writing intended to assist the memory; a memorandum; a minute.
XX. Note ·noun To charge, as with crime (with of or for before the thing charged); to Brand.
XXI. Note ·noun A written or printed paper acknowledging a debt, and promising payment; as, a promissory note; a note of hand; a negotiable note.
XXII. Note ·noun A character, variously formed, to indicate the length of a tone, and variously placed upon the staff to indicate its pitch. Hence:.
XXIII. Note ·noun A mark or token by which a thing may be known; a visible sign; a character; a distinctive mark or feature; a characteristic quality.
XXIV. Note ·noun To notice with care; to Observe; to Remark; to Heed; to attend to.
XXV. Note ·noun A mark, or sign, made to call attention, to point out something to notice, or the like; a sign, or token, proving or giving evidence.
XXVI. Note ·noun A brief remark; a marginal comment or explanation; hence, an annotation on a text or author; a comment; a critical, explanatory, or illustrative observation.
XXVII. Note ·noun Hence, a writing intended to be used in speaking; memoranda to assist a speaker, being either a synopsis, or the full text of what is to be said; as, to preach from notes; also, a reporter's memoranda; the original report of a speech or of proceedings.
I. n.
Memorandum, minute, record.
Comment, annotation, scholium, remark.
Catalogue, reckoning, account, bill, list of items.
Official communication, diplomatic communication.
Billet, short letter or epistle.
Notice, heed, observation, regard, consideration.
Distinction, reputation, celebrity, fame, repute, renown, credit, account, consequence, respectability, notedness, eminence.
Bill, bank-note, promissory note, note of hand, paper-money.
Voice, tune, song.
II. v. a.
Notice, remark, observe, mark, regard, heed, attend to, take notice of, pay attention to.
Record, register, make a note of, make a memorandum of, make a minute of, set down in writing, jot down.
Designate, denote.
Annotate, furnish with notes.
Musical note         
  • Names of some notes
Note (music); Musical notes; Natural E; Music notes; Music note; Musical Notes; Musical Note; Note music; 🎵; 🎶; 🎜; 🎝; Note names; Boethian notation; CDEFGAB
In music, a note is a symbol denoting a musical sound. In English usage, a note is also the sound itself.
Note (perfumery)         
Base note; Top note; Heart notes; Perfumery note; Top notes; Base notes; Middle notes; Middle note; Heart note; Head notes; Perfume note; Top-note; Base-note; Deeper note
Notes in perfumery are descriptors of scents that can be sensed upon the application of a perfume. Notes are separated into three classes: top/head notes, middle/heart notes, and base notes; which denote groups of scents which can be sensed with respect to the time after the application of a perfume.



Note, notes, or NOTE may refer to: