Starve - определение. Что такое Starve
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Что (кто) такое Starve - определение

Starving; Starve; Starved to death; Starvation state; Inanition; Deprivation of food; Death by starvation; Involuntary fasting
  • [[Buchenwald]] inmates, 16 April 1945, when camp was liberated
  • [[Maximilian Kolbe]], on a West German postage stamp, marked [[Auschwitz]]
  • No data}}
  • A girl during the [[Nigerian Civil War]] of the late 1960s, shown suffering the effects of severe hunger and malnutrition
  • The starving [[Livilla]] refusing food.<br />From a drawing by André Castagne.
Найдено результатов: 51
1) (D; tr.) to starve into (to starve smb. into submission)
2) (misc.) to starve to death; to starve oneself to death
(starves, starving, starved)
If people starve, they suffer greatly from lack of food which sometimes leads to their death.
A number of the prisoners we saw are starving...
In the 1930s, millions of Ukrainians starved to death or were deported...
Getting food to starving people does nothing to stop the war.
VERB: V, V to n, V-ing
To starve someone means not to give them any food.
He said the only alternative was to starve the people, and he said this could not be allowed to happen...
Judy decided I was starving myself.
VERB: V n, V pron-refl
If a person or thing is starved of something that they need, they are suffering because they are not getting enough of it.
The electricity industry is not the only one to have been starved of investment...
VERB: be V-ed of n
I. v. n.
Famish, perish (with hunger).
Lack, want, be in need.
II. v. a.
Kill with hunger, starve to death.
Subdue by famine.
·vt To destroy with cold.
II. Starve ·vi To perish or die with cold.
III. Starve ·vi To Die; to Perish.
IV. Starve ·vt To deprive of force or vigor; to Disable.
V. Starve ·vt To kill with hunger; as, maliciously to starve a man is, in law, murder.
VI. Starve ·vt To distress or subdue by famine; as, to starvea garrison into a surrender.
VII. Starve ·vi To perish with hunger; to suffer extreme hunger or want; to be very indigent.
VIII. Starve ·vt To destroy by want of any kind; as, to starve plans by depriving them of proper light and air.
¦ verb
1. suffer or die or cause to suffer or die from hunger.
(starve someone out or into) force someone out of (a place) or into (a specified state) by starving them.
(usu. be starved of or US for) deprive of.
(be starving or starved) informal feel very hungry.
2. archaic be freezing cold.
starvation noun
OE steorfan 'to die', of Gmc origin, prob. from a base meaning 'be rigid' (cf. stare).
·noun The act of starving, or the state of being starved.
If you say that you are starving, you mean that you are very hungry. (INFORMAL)
Apart from anything else I was starving.
ADJ: v-link ADJ
Starvation is extreme suffering or death, caused by lack of food.
Over three hundred people have died of starvation since the beginning of the year.
N-UNCOUNT: usu of/from N
· & ·vb.n. of Starve.



Starvation is a severe deficiency in caloric energy intake, below the level needed to maintain an organism's life. It is the most extreme form of malnutrition. In humans, prolonged starvation can cause permanent organ damage and eventually, death. The term inanition refers to the symptoms and effects of starvation. Starvation may also be used as a means of torture or execution.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hunger is the single gravest threat to the world's public health. The WHO also states that malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality, present in half of all cases. Undernutrition is a contributory factor in the death of 3.1 million children under five every year. Figures on actual starvation are difficult to come by, but according to the Food and Agriculture Organization, the less severe condition of undernourishment currently affects about 842 million people, or about one in eight (12.5%) people in the world population.

The bloated stomach represents a form of malnutrition called kwashiorkor. The exact pathogenesis of kwashiorkor is not clear, as initially it was thought to relate to diets high in carbohydrates (e.g. maize) but low in protein. While many patients have low albumin, this is thought to be a consequence of the condition. Possible causes such as aflatoxin poisoning, oxidative stress, immune dysregulation, and altered gut microbiota have been suggested. Treatment can help mitigate symptoms such as the pictured weight loss and muscle wasting, however prevention is of utmost importance.

Without any food, humans usually die in around 2 months. There was a surprising case when someone survived 382 days. Lean people can usually survive with a loss of up to 18% of their body mass. Obese people can tolerate more, possibly over 20%. Females survive longer than males.