1) to bring about, effect, make a change
2) to undergo change
3) a drastic, great, marked, momentous, radical, striking, sweeping; long overdue, needed, welcome; quick; sudden change; little change (there was little change in his condition)
4) a change occurs, takes place
5) a change for (a change for the better)
6) a change from; into, to (the change from spring to summer)
7) a change in, of (a change in the weather; changes in personnel; a change of diet; the change of seasons)
8) for a change (let's eat out for a change)
money returned
metal coins
9) to give; make; return change for (can you give me change for a pound?)
10) to count; get, take one's change
11) to keep the change
12) loose; small change
change of clothing
13) to make a change
14) a quick change (to make a quick change)
1) to change drastically, radically
2) (D; intr.) ('to transfer') to change for (we must change at the next station for Chicago)
3) (D; tr.) ('to exchange') to change for (to change dollars for pounds)
4) (D; intr.) ('to put on different clothes') to change for (to change for dinner)
5) (D; intr., tr.) ('to be transformed; to transform') to change from; into (the disease changed him from an athlete into an invalid; to change dollars into pounds)
6) (D; intr.) ('to put on different clothes') to change into (to change into smt. less formal)
7) (D; intr., tr.) ('to transfer') to change to (we must change to an express; she changed the appointment to Monday)
8) (D; tr.) ('to exchange') to change with (I would not want to change places with her)