equals - определение. Что такое equals
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Что (кто) такое equals - определение

Equals (computing); Equals; Equals (disambiguation); The Equals (disambiguation); Equal (disambiguation); = (disambiguation); Equal (song)
Найдено результатов: 268
<character> "=", ASCII character 61. Common names: ITU-T: equals; gets; takes. Rare: quadrathorpe; INTERCAL: half-mesh. Equals is used in many languages as the assignment operator though earlier languages used ":=" ("becomes equal to") to avoid upsetting mathematicians with statements such as "x = x+1". It is also used in compounds such as " <= ", " >= ", " == ", " /= ", " != " for various comparison operators and in C's " += ", " *= " etc. which mimic the primitive operations of two-address code. (1995-03-29)
Equals (game)         
  • Divisor piece from the Equals board game
  • Equals board game
The game Equals was a board game similar to Scrabble, but instead of tiles with letters combined to form words, it used tiles with numbers and basic arithmetic operations to form equations.
1) equal in (equal in price)
2) equal to (one kilometer is equal to five eighths of a mile; equal to the occasion)
n. an equal in (to have no equal in political cunning)
v. (D; tr.) to equal in
·noun State of being equal; equality.
II. Equal ·adj Exactly agreeing with respect to quantity.
III. Equal ·adj Of the same interest or concern; indifferent.
IV. Equal ·vt To make equal return to; to recompense fully.
V. Equal ·adj Not variable; equable; uniform; even; as, an equal movement.
VI. Equal ·adj Intended for voices of one kind only, either all male or all female;
- opposed to mixed.
VII. Equal ·adj Evenly balanced; not unduly inclining to either side; characterized by fairness; unbiased; impartial; equitable; just.
VIII. Equal ·vt To make equal or equal to; to Equalize; hence, to compare or regard as equals; to put on equality.
IX. Equal ·adj Bearing a suitable relation; of just proportion; having competent power, abilities, or means; adequate; as, he is not equal to the task.
X. Equal ·vt To be or become equal to; to have the same quantity, the same value, the same degree or rank, or the like, with; to be commen/urate with.
XI. Equal ·noun One not inferior or superior to another; one having the same or a similar age, rank, station, office, talents, strength, or other quality or condition; an equal quantity or number; as, "If equals be taken from equals the remainders are equal.".
XII. Equal ·adj Agreeing in quantity, size, quality, degree, value, ·etc.; having the same magnitude, the same value, the same degree, ·etc.;
- applied to number, degree, quantity, and intensity, and to any subject which admits of them; neither inferior nor superior, greater nor less, better nor worse; corresponding; alike; as, equal quantities of land, water, ·etc. ; houses of equal size; persons of equal stature or talents; commodities of equal value.
¦ adjective
1. being the same in quantity, size, degree, value, or status.
evenly or fairly balanced: an equal contest.
2. (equal to) having the ability or resources to meet (a challenge).
¦ noun a person or thing that is equal to another.
¦ verb (equals, equalling, equalled; US equals, equaling, equaled) be equal or equivalent to.
?match or rival.
ME: from L. aequalis, from aequus 'even, level, equal'.
I. a.
Like, alike, tantamount, equivalent; of the same extent, measure, degree, or value, identical in quantity or value.
Of the same rank.
Uniform, even, regular, equable.
Impartial, unbiassed, equitable, fair, just, even-handed.
Proportionate, commensurate.
Adequate, competent, fit, sufficient, of sufficient strength or ability.
II. n.
peer, compeer, fellow.
III. v. a.
Equalize, make equal, make alike.
Rival, rise to the same level with.
Be adequate to, be sufficient for, be equal to, be commensurate with.
(equals, equalling, equalled)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
Note: in AM, use 'equaling', 'equaled'
If two things are equal or if one thing is equal to another, they are the same in size, number, standard, or value.
Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price.
...in a population having equal numbers of men and women...
Research and teaching are of equal importance.
ADJ: oft ADJ to n
If different groups of people have equal rights or are given equal treatment, they have the same rights or are treated the same as each other, however different they are.
We will be justly demanding equal rights at work.
...the commitment to equal opportunities.
...new legislation allowing building societies to compete on equal terms with their competitors.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
If you say that people are equal, you mean that they have or should have the same rights and opportunities as each other.
We are equal in every way...
At any gambling game, everyone is equal.
ADJ: v-link ADJ
Someone who is your equal has the same ability, status, or rights as you have.
She was one of the boys, their equal...
You should have married somebody more your equal.
N-COUNT: poss N
If someone is equal to a particular job or situation, they have the necessary ability, strength, or courage to deal successfully with it.
She was determined that she would be equal to any test the corporation put to them...
ADJ: v-link ADJ to n
If something equals a particular number or amount, it is the same as that amount or the equivalent of that amount.
9 percent interest less 7 percent inflation equals 2 percent...
V-LINK: V amount
To equal something or someone means to be as good or as great as them.
The victory equalled Southend's best in history...
If you say 'other things being equal' or 'all things being equal' when talking about a possible situation, you mean if nothing unexpected happens or if there are no other factors which affect the situation.
Other things being equal, most tenants would prefer single to shared rooms...
PHRASE: PHR with cl
equals sign         
  • The signature of Santos-Dumont, showing a [[double hyphen]] that looks like an equal sign.
Equal sign; =; Equality sign; Equal to; ﹦; ⁼; =; Not equals sign; Wavy equals; Not equal sign; Approximate sign; Equal-sign; Equivalence sign; Squiggly equals sign; Wavy equals sign; ≔; ≕; ≖; ≗; ≌; ≞; Equivalent sign; Equal symbol; Equivalent symbol; Equivalence symbol; Equals-sign; Sign of Equality; Different sign; Not equals; Not-equal sign; ASCII 61; \x3D; U+003D; = 🟰
(also equal sign)
¦ noun the symbol =.
equal sign         
  • The signature of Santos-Dumont, showing a [[double hyphen]] that looks like an equal sign.
Equal sign; =; Equality sign; Equal to; ﹦; ⁼; =; Not equals sign; Wavy equals; Not equal sign; Approximate sign; Equal-sign; Equivalence sign; Squiggly equals sign; Wavy equals sign; ≔; ≕; ≖; ≗; ≌; ≞; Equivalent sign; Equal symbol; Equivalent symbol; Equivalence symbol; Equals-sign; Sign of Equality; Different sign; Not equals; Not-equal sign; ASCII 61; \x3D; U+003D; = 🟰
(equal signs)
Note: in BRIT, also use 'equals sign'
An equal sign is the sign =, which is used in arithmetic to indicate that two numbers or sets of numbers are equal.
equal to         
  • The signature of Santos-Dumont, showing a [[double hyphen]] that looks like an equal sign.
Equal sign; =; Equality sign; Equal to; ﹦; ⁼; =; Not equals sign; Wavy equals; Not equal sign; Approximate sign; Equal-sign; Equivalence sign; Squiggly equals sign; Wavy equals sign; ≔; ≕; ≖; ≗; ≌; ≞; Equivalent sign; Equal symbol; Equivalent symbol; Equivalence symbol; Equals-sign; Sign of Equality; Different sign; Not equals; Not-equal sign; ASCII 61; \x3D; U+003D; = 🟰
having the ability or resources to meet (a challenge).



'Equal(s) may refer to: