extension - определение. Что такое extension
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Что (кто) такое extension - определение

Extended; Application extension; Extention; Extension (mathematics); Extensions; Extends; Extend; Extension (computing); Extension (disambiguation); Extensions (album); Extension (album)
Найдено результатов: 805
Expansion, dilatation, dilation, enlargement, increase, augmentation.
increase in time allowed
1) to grant an extension
2) to ask for, request; get, receive an extension
3) a university extension
·vt The straightening of a limb, in distinction from flexion.
II. Extension ·vt That property of a body by which it occupies a portion of space.
III. Extension ·vt A written engagement on the part of a creditor, allowing a debtor further time to pay a debt.
IV. Extension ·vt The operation of stretching a broken bone so as to bring the fragments into the same straight line.
V. Extension ·vt Capacity of a concept or general term to include a greater or smaller number of objects;
- correlative of intension.
VI. Extension ·vt The act of extending or the state of being extended; a stretching out; enlargement in breadth or continuation of length; increase; augmentation; expansion.
An extension is a new room or building which is added to an existing building or group of buildings.
An extension is a new section of a road or rail line that is added to an existing road or line.
...the Jubilee Line extension.
N-COUNT: usu with supp
An extension is an extra period of time for which something lasts or is valid, usually as a result of official permission.
He first entered Britain on a six-month visa, and was given a further extension of six months...
Something that is an extension of something else is a development of it that includes or affects more people, things, or activities.
Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule...
N-COUNT: usu N of n
An extension is a telephone line that is connected to the switchboard of a company or institution, and that has its own number. The written abbreviation ext.
is also used.
She can get me on extension 308...
N-COUNT: also N num
An extension is a part which is connected to a piece of equipment in order to make it reach something further away.
...a 30-foot extension cord...
n. granting of a specific amount of extra time to make a payment, file a legal document after the date due or continue a lease after the original expiration of the term.
1. <filename extension> filename extension. 2. <programming> A feature or piece of code which extends a program's functionality, e.g. a plug-in. (1997-06-21)
¦ noun
1. the action or process of extending.
an additional period of time given to someone to hold office or fulfil an obligation.
Brit. permission granted to licensed premises for the sale of alcoholic drinks until later than usual.
2. a part added to something to enlarge or prolong it.
(extensions) lengths of long artificial hair woven into a person's own hair.
3. a subsidiary telephone, especially one with its own additional number on a line leading from a main switchboard.
4. (Brit. also extension lead or cable US also extension cord) a length of electric cable which enables appliances to be used at a distance from a fixed socket.
5. [as modifier] denoting instruction by a university or college for those who are not full-time students.
6. the extending of a limb from a bent to a straight position.
Ballet the ability of a dancer to raise one leg above the waist, especially to the side.
7. Logic the range of a term or concept as measured by the objects which it denotes or contains. Often contrasted with intension.
8. Physics & Philosophy the property of occupying space.
extensional adjective
ME: from late L. extensio(n-), from extendere (see extend).
Extension (metaphysics)         
Physical extension
In metaphysics, extension signifies both 'stretching out' (Latin: extensio) as well as later 'taking up space', and most recently, spreading one's internal mental cognition into the external world.
·vt To hold out or reach forth, as the arm or hand.
II. Extend ·vt To increase in quantity by weakening or adulterating additions; as, to extend liquors.
III. Extend ·vt To value, as lands taken by a writ of extent in satisfaction of a debt; to assign by writ of extent.
IV. Extend ·vt To stretch out; to prolong in space; to carry forward or continue in length; as, to extend a line in surveying; to extend a cord across the street.
V. Extend ·vt To Bestow; to Offer; to Impart; to Apply; as, to extend sympathy to the suffering.
VI. Extend ·vt To enlarge, as a surface or volume; to Expand; to Spread; to Amplify; as, to extend metal plates by hammering or rolling them.
VII. Extend ·vt To Enlarge; to Widen; to carry out further; as, to extend the capacities, the sphere of usefulness, or commerce; to extend power or influence; to continue, as time; to Lengthen; to Prolong; as, to extend the time of payment or a season of trail.
I. v. a.
Stretch out, reach out, reach forth.
Prolong, continue, lengthen out, protract.
Expand, dilate, enlarge, widen, augment, increase, fill out.
Diffuse, spread abroad.
Offer, yield, give, impart.
II. v. n.
Stretch, reach, spread.



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