far - определение. Что такое far
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Что (кто) такое far - определение

FAR; Far (disambiguation); FAR (disambiguation)
Найдено результатов: 668
·noun A young pig, or a litter of pigs.
II. Far ·adv In great part; as, the day is far spent.
III. Far ·adj Widely different in nature or quality; opposite in character.
IV. Far ·adv In a great proportion; by many degrees; very much; deeply; greatly.
V. Far ·adj Distant in any direction; not near; remote; mutually separated by a wide space or extent.
VI. Far ·adv To a great extent or distance of space; widely; as, we are separated far from each other.
VII. Far ·adj Remote from purpose; contrary to design or wishes; as, far be it from me to justify cruelty.
VIII. Far ·adj Remote in affection or obedience; at a distance, morally or spiritually; t enmity with; alienated.
IX. Far ·adv To a great distance in time from any point; remotely; as, he pushed his researches far into antiquity.
X. Far ·adj The more distant of two; as, the far side (called also off side) of a horse, that is, the right side, or the one opposite to the rider when he mounts.
Flow Admission Request [Additional explanations: message] (Reference: LFAP)
adj., adv.
1) far from (far from the city; the problem is far from being solved)
2) by far (she is by far the better player)
3) (misc.) to go far on one's connections; far be it from me to criticize, but... USAGE NOTE: The phrases by far and far and away mean 'very much'--she is by far/far and away the better player. In nonstandard BE the two phrases are blended to produce by far and away.
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
Note: 'Far' has two comparatives, 'farther' and 'further', and two superlatives, 'farthest' and 'furthest'. 'Farther' and 'farthest' are used mainly in sense 1, and are dealt with here. 'Further' and 'furthest' are dealt with in separate entries.
If one place, thing, or person is far away from another, there is a great distance between them.
I know a nice little Italian restaurant not far from here...
They came from as far away as Florida...
Both of my sisters moved even farther away from home...
They lay in the cliff top grass with the sea stretching out far below...
Is it far?
? near
ADV: ADV after v, v-link ADV, usu ADV prep/adv
If you ask how far a place is, you are asking what distance it is from you or from another place. If you ask how far someone went, you are asking what distance they travelled, or what place they reached.
How far is Pawtucket from Providence?...
How far is it to Malcy?...
How far can you throw?...
You can only judge how high something is when you know how far away it is...
She followed the tracks as far as the road.
ADV: how ADV, as/so ADV as, ADV compar than
When there are two things of the same kind in a place, the far one is the one that is a greater distance from you.
He had wandered to the far end of the room...
? near
You can use far to refer to the part of an area or object that is the greatest distance from the centre in a particular direction. For example, the far north of a country is the part of it that is the greatest distance to the north.
I wrote the date at the far left of the blackboard.
A time or event that is far away in the future or the past is a long time from the present or from a particular point in time.
...hidden conflicts whose roots lie far back in time...
I can't see any farther than the next six months...
The first day of term, which seemed so far away at the start of the summer holidays, is looming.
ADV: ADV after v, v-link ADV, usu ADV adv/prep
You can use far to talk about the extent or degree to which something happens or is true.
How far did the film tell the truth about Barnes Wallis?...
ADV: ADV with v, usu how ADV
You can talk about how far someone or something gets to describe the progress that they make.
Discussions never progressed very far...
Think of how far we have come in a little time...
I don't think Mr Cavanagh would get far with that trick.
ADV: ADV with v, oft how ADV
You can talk about how far a person or action goes to describe the degree to which someone's behaviour or actions are extreme.
It's still not clear how far the Russian parliament will go to implement its own plans...
This time he's gone too far.
ADV: ADV with v
You can use far to mean 'very much' when you are comparing two things and emphasizing the difference between them. For example, you can say that something is far better or far worse than something else to indicate that it is very much better or worse. You can also say that something is, for example, far too big to indicate that it is very much too big.
Women who eat plenty of fresh vegetables are far less likely to suffer anxiety or depression...
The police say the response has been far better than expected...
These trials are simply taking far too long...
ADV: usu ADV compar, ADV too adj/adv, also ADV adv/prep [emphasis]
You can describe people with extreme left-wing or right-wing political views as the far left or the far right.
Anti-racist campaigners are urging the Government to ban all far-Right groups.
= extreme
You can use far in expressions like 'as far as I know' and 'so far as I remember' to indicate that you are not absolutely sure of the statement you are about to make or have just made, and you may be wrong.
It only lasted a couple of years, as far as I know...
So far as I am aware, no proper investigation has ever been carried out into the subject.
ADV: as/so ADV as [vagueness]
You use the expression far and away when you are comparing something or someone with others of the same kind, in order to emphasize how great the difference is between them. For example, you can say that something is far and away the best to indicate that it is definitely the best.
He's still far and away the best we have.
= easily
PHRASE: PHR the adj-superl [emphasis]
You use the expression by far when you are comparing something or someone with others of the same kind, in order to emphasize how great the difference is between them. For example, you can say that something is by far the best or the best by far to indicate that it is definitely the best.
By far the most important issue for them is unemployment...
It was better by far to be clear-headed.
PHRASE: PHR with compar/superl [emphasis]
If you say that something is far from a particular thing or far from being the case, you are emphasizing that it is not that particular thing or not at all the case, especially when people expect or assume that it is.
It was obvious that much of what they recorded was far from the truth...
Far from being relaxed, we both felt so uncomfortable we hardly spoke...
It is still far from clear exactly what the Thais intend to do.
PHRASE: PHR n/-ing/adj, oft v-link PHR [emphasis]
You can use the expression 'far from it' to emphasize a negative statement that you have just made.
Being dyslexic does not mean that one is unintelligent. Far from it.
PHRASE [emphasis]
You say far be it from me to disagree, or far be it from me to criticize, when you are disagreeing or criticizing and you want to appear less hostile.
Far be it from me to criticise, but shouldn't their mother take a share of the blame?
PHRASE: PHR to-inf
If you say that something is good as far as it goes or true so far as it goes, you mean that it is good or true only to a limited extent.
His plan for tax relief is fine as far as it goes but will not be sufficient to get the economy moving again.
PHRASE: PHR with cl
If you say that someone will go far, you mean that they will be very successful in their career.
I was very impressed with the talent of Michael Ball. He will go far.
Someone or something that is far gone is in such a bad state or condition that not much can be done to help or improve them.
In his last few days the pain seemed to have stopped, but by then he was so far gone that it was no longer any comfort...
Many of the properties are in a desperate state but none is too far gone to save.
PHRASE: v-link PHR
Someone or something that is not far wrong, not far out, or not far off is almost correct or almost accurate.
I hadn't been far wrong in my estimate...
Robertson is not far off her target.
PHRASE: v-link PHR, oft PHR in n
You can use the expression 'as far as I can see' when you are about to state your opinion of a situation, or have just stated it, to indicate that it is your personal opinion.
As far as I can see there are only two reasons for such an action.
PHRASE: PHR with cl
If you say that something only goes so far or can only go so far, you mean that its extent, effect, or influence is limited.
Their loyalty only went so far...
The church can only go so far in secular matters.
PHRASE: PHR after v
If you tell or ask someone what has happened so far, you are telling or asking them what has happened up until the present point in a situation or story, and often implying that something different might happen later.
It's been quiet so far...
So far, they have met with no success...
PHRASE: PHR with cl
You can say so far so good to express satisfaction with the way that a situation or activity is progressing, developing, or happening.
PHRASE [feelings]
If people come from far and wide, they come from a large number of places, some of them far away. If things spread far and wide, they spread over a very large area or distance. (WRITTEN)
Volunteers came from far and wide...
His fame spread far and wide.
PHRASE: from PHR, PHR after v
If you say that someone won't go far wrong or can't go far wrong with a particular thing or course of action, you mean that it is likely to be successful or satisfactory.
If you remember these three golden rules you won't go far wrong.
as far as I am concerned: see concern
a far cry from: see cry
in so far as: see insofar as
near and far: see near
¦ adverb (further, furthest or farther, farthest)
1. at, to, or by a great distance.
2. a long way in space or time.
3. by a great deal.
¦ adjective
1. situated at a great distance.
more distant than another object of the same kind.
2. distant from the centre; extreme.
as far as
1. for as great a distance as.
2. to the extent that.
be a far cry from be very different to.
by far by a great amount.
far and away by a very large amount.
far and wide over a large area.
far be it from (or for) me to used to express reluctance.
far from tending to the opposite of (what is expected).
far gone
1. in a bad or worsening state.
2. advanced in time.
go far
1. achieve a great deal.
2. be worth or amount to much.
go so far as to do something do something regarded as extreme.
go too far exceed the limits of what is acceptable.
so far
1. to a limited extent.
2. up to this time.
(in) so far as (or that) to the extent that.
OE feorr, of Gmc origin.
False Acception Rate
Fixed Alternative Routing (Reference: SNI)
I. a.
Remote, distant.
Farther, remoter, more distant.
Estranged, alienated, hostile.
II. ad.
To a great distance.
Almost, well-nigh, in great part.
Very much, in a great degree.
Federal Acquisition Regulation         
F.A.R.; DFAR; DFARS; D.F.A.R.; Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Government-Furnished Property; Federal Acquisition Regulations; Federal Acquisition System
The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is the principal set of rules regarding Government procurement in the United States,. and is codified at Chapter 1 of Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations, .
Faringdon branch         
Faringdon Branch; Faringdon railway; Faringdon Railway
The Faringdon branch was a -mile-long branch line from Uffington Station to Faringdon in the Vale of White Horse, in Oxfordshire.



Far or FAR may refer to: