free will - определение. Что такое free will
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Что (кто) такое free will - определение

Free Will; Freedom (philosophy); Freedom of will; Problem of free will; Liberum arbitrium; Free won't; Free Nature; Metaphysical freedom; Existence of free will; Free will problem; Freedom of the will; Freewill
  • Augustine's view of free will and predestination would go on to have a profound impact on Christian theology.
  • A biker performing a [[dirt jump]] that, according to some interpretations, is the result of free will.
  • [[Bas relief]] of Maimonides in the [[U.S. House of Representatives]]
  • [[René Descartes]]
  • taxonomy]] of philosophical positions regarding free will and determinism
  • Various definitions of free will that have been proposed for Metaphysical Libertarianism (agent/substance causal,<ref name=stanfordincompatibilismtheories/> centered accounts,<ref name="Kane2005" /> and efforts of will theory<ref name="RKane1" />), along with examples of other common free will positions (Compatibilism,<ref name="Velmans2002"/> Hard Determinism,<ref>Paul Henri Thiry, Baron d'Holbach, ''System of Nature; or, the Laws of the Moral and Physical World'' (London, 1797), Vol. 1, p. 92</ref> and Hard Incompatibilism<ref name="Derk1"/>). Red circles represent mental states; blue circles represent physical states; arrows describe causal interaction.
  • [[Arthur Schopenhauer]] claimed that phenomena do not have freedom of the will, but the will as [[noumenon]] is not subordinate to the laws of necessity (causality) and is thus free.
  • Spinoza thought that there is no free will.
  • taxonomy]] of philosophical positions regarding free will and theological determinism<ref name="stanfordforeknowledge" />
  • [[Thomas Hobbes]] was a classical compatibilist.
  • determined]] completely by laws of physics.
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free will         
If you believe in free will, you believe that people have a choice in what they do and that their actions have not been decided in advance by God or by any other power.
...the free will of the individual.
If you do something of your own free will, you do it by choice and not because you are forced to do it.
Would Bethany return of her own free will, as she had promised?
PHRASE: PHR after v
Free will         
·- A will free from improper coercion or restraint.
Free will         
Free will is the capacity of agents to choose between different possible courses of action unimpeded.
free will         
¦ noun the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion.
Free Will (Freeway album)         
Free Will is the fifth studio album by American rapper Freeway. The album was released on April 29, 2016, by Babygrande Records.
Free Will (book)         
Free Will is a 2012 book by the American philosopher Sam Harris. It argues that free will is an illusion, but that this does not undermine morality or diminish the importance of political and social freedom, and that it can and should change the way we think about some of the most important questions in life.
Free-will; PS Company; Firewall Division; Firewall Div.; Firewall Division Records; Free-Will (label); Free-Will Records; Free Will Records
I. n.
Unrestrained will, power of choice.
Spontaneity, voluntariness.
II. a.
Voluntary, spontaneous.
Free-will; PS Company; Firewall Division; Firewall Div.; Firewall Division Records; Free-Will (label); Free-Will Records; Free Will Records
is a Japanese independent record label founded in 1986 by Color vocalist Hiroshi "Dynamite Tommy" Tomioka, with branches predominantly in Japan and the United States, as well as previously in Europe.
Free will in theology         
  • A.C. Article 18: Of Free Will]]
Free will in Christian Theology; Free will in Theology; Free will (theology); Free will and theology; Acts, Human
Free will in theology is an important part of the debate on free will in general. Religions vary greatly in their response to the standard argument against free will and thus might appeal to any number of responses to the paradox of free will, the claim that omniscience and free will are incompatible.
Time and Free Will         
Time and free will; Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness; Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience; An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness
Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness (French: Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience) is Henri Bergson's doctoral thesis, first published in 1889. The essay deals with the problem of free will, which Bergson contends is merely a common confusion among philosophers caused by an illegitimate translation of the unextended into the extended, as a means of introducing his theory of duration, which would become highly influential among continental philosophers in the following century.


Free will

Free will is the notional capacity or ability to choose between different possible courses of action unimpeded.

Free will is closely linked to the concepts of moral responsibility, praise, culpability, sin, and other judgements which apply only to actions that are freely chosen. It is also connected with the concepts of advice, persuasion, deliberation, and prohibition. Traditionally, only actions that are freely willed are seen as deserving credit or blame. Whether free will exists, what it is and the implications of whether it exists or not are some of the longest running debates of philosophy and religion. Some conceive of free will as the ability to act beyond the limits of external influences or wishes.

Some conceive free will to be the capacity to make choices undetermined by past events. Determinism suggests that only one course of events is possible, which is inconsistent with a libertarian model of free will. Ancient Greek philosophy identified this issue, which remains a major focus of philosophical debate. The view that conceives free will as incompatible with determinism is called incompatibilism and encompasses both metaphysical libertarianism (the claim that determinism is false and thus free will is at least possible) and hard determinism (the claim that determinism is true and thus free will is not possible). Incompatibilism also encompasses hard incompatibilism, which holds not only determinism but also indeterminism to be incompatible with free will and thus free will to be impossible whatever the case may be regarding determinism.

In contrast, compatibilists hold that free will is compatible with determinism. Some compatibilists even hold that determinism is necessary for free will, arguing that choice involves preference for one course of action over another, requiring a sense of how choices will turn out. Compatibilists thus consider the debate between libertarians and hard determinists over free will vs. determinism a false dilemma. Different compatibilists offer very different definitions of what "free will" means and consequently find different types of constraints to be relevant to the issue. Classical compatibilists considered free will nothing more than freedom of action, considering one free of will simply if, had one counterfactually wanted to do otherwise, one could have done otherwise without physical impediment. Contemporary compatibilists instead identify free will as a psychological capacity, such as to direct one's behavior in a way responsive to reason, and there are still further different conceptions of free will, each with their own concerns, sharing only the common feature of not finding the possibility of determinism a threat to the possibility of free will.