generic type variable - определение. Что такое generic type variable
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Что (кто) такое generic type variable - определение

Genericity; Parameterized class; Instantiation of template; Template class; Template specialization; Parameterized type; Generic algorithm; Template specialisation; Generic types; Generic type; Generic class; Generic datatype; Generics in Ada; Comparison of programming languages (generics)
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generic type variable      
<programming> (Also known as a "schematic type variable"). Different occurrences of a generic type variable in a type expression may be instantiated to different types. Thus, in the expression let id x = x in (id True, id 1) id's type is (for all a: a -> a). The universal quantifier "for all a:" means that a is a generic type variable. For the two uses of id, a is instantiated to Bool and Int. Compare this with let id x = x in let f g = (g True, g 1) in f id This looks similar but f has no legal Hindley-Milner type. If we say f :: (a -> b) -> (b, b) this would permit g's type to be any instance of (a -> b) rather than requiring it to be at least as general as (a -> b). Furthermore, it constrains both instances of g to have the same result type whereas they do not. The type variables a and b in the above are implicitly quantified at the top level: f :: for all a: for all b: (a -> b) -> (b, b) so instantiating them (removing the quantifiers) can only be done once, at the top level. To correctly describe the type of f requires that they be locally quantified: f :: ((for all a: a) -> (for all b: b)) -> (c, d) which means that each time g is applied, a and b may be instantiated differently. f's actual argument must have a type at least as general as ((for all a: a) -> (for all b: b)), and may not be some less general instance of this type. Type variables c and d are still implicitly quantified at the top level and, now that g's result type is a generic type variable, any types chosen for c and d are guaranteed to be instances of it. This type for f does not express the fact that b only needs to be at least as general as the types c and d. For example, if c and d were both Bool then any function of type (for all a: a -> Bool) would be a suitable argument to f but it would not match the above type for f.
Generic drug         
  • Generic Drugs Research
Generic medicine; Generic pharmaceutics; Generic drugs; Generic drug names; Generic drugs information; Drugs, generic; Generic-named drug; Generic formulation; Generic medication; Generic medications; Generic medicines; Generic medicament; Generic medicaments; Generic Multivitamin; Generic pharmaceuticals; Generic version; Affordable drugs; Affordable drug; Patent free pharmaceuticals; Market exclusivity; Marketing exclusivity
A generic drug is a pharmaceutical drug that contains the same chemical substance as a drug that was originally protected by chemical patents. Generic drugs are allowed for sale after the patents on the original drugs expire.
Variable (computer science)         
Program variable; Scalar variable; Variable scope; Simple variable; Variable (computing); Variable (programming); Variable lifetime; Scope and extent; Variable scope and extent; Variable extent; Variable (computer programming); Storage location; Assignable variable
In computer programming, a variable is an abstract storage location paired with an associated symbolic name, which contains some known or unknown quantity of information referred to as a value; or in simpler terms, a variable is a named container for a particular set of bits or type of data (like integer, float, string etc...).
environment variable         
%SystemRoot%; %SystemDrive%; C:\WINDOWS; Environment variables; Env var; LC ALL; Environment (computing); Shell variable; Printenv; AppData; Environmental variable; %SYSTEMROOT%; $HOME; System variable; LD LIBRARY PATH; LIBPATH; LIBPATH (AIX); PROMPT (environment variable); Master environment; Pre-environment; Reserved environment variable; Master environment variable; Local environment variable; Local environment (computing); Local environment (DOS); Master environment (DOS); Pre-environment variable; Environment segment; Environment segment (computing); Environment segment (DOS); %APPEND%; %CONFIG%; %CMDLINE%; %COMSPEC%; %COPYCMD%; %DIRCMD%; %LANG%; %LANGSPEC%; %NO SEP%; %PATH%; %PROMPT%; %TEMP%; %TMP%; System environment; System environment (computing); System environment (DOS); System information variable; System information variable (computing); System information variable (DOS); $CLS (environment variable); Pseudo-environment variable; Unix environment variable; DOS environment variable; GEM environment variable; OS/2 environment variable; Windows environment variable; DOS pseudo-environment variable; Windows pseudo-environment variable; Dynamic environment variable; Dynamic environment variable (Microsoft); Dynamic environment variable (Windows); Dynamic environment variable (CMD); Dynamic environment variable (COMMAND.COM); Dynamic environment variable (DOS); System info variable; System information variable (COMMAND.COM); DOS system information variable; DOS system info variable; Internal variable (4DOS); Internal variable (4OS2); Internal variable (4NT); Internal variable (JP Software); 4DOS internal variable; 4OS2 internal variable; 4NT internal variable; 4DOS variable function; 4OS2 variable function; 4NT variable function; Variable function (4DOS); Variable function (4OS2); Variable function (4NT); Variable function (JP Software); JP Software variable function; JP Software internal variable; Dynamic environment variable (COMMAND); System information variable (COMMAND); DR-DOS system information variable; Novell DOS system information variable; Novell system information variable; OpenDOS system information variable; Caldera system information variable; RETURN (DOS command); %DRDOSCFG%; %NWDOSCFG%; %OPENDOSCFG%; %DRCOMSPEC%; %DRSYS%; %HOMEDIR%; %CMDCMDLINE%; %CMDEXTVERSION%; %RANDOM%; %TIME%; %SWITCHAR%; %PEXEC%; %OS%; %NOSOUND%; %NOCHAR%; %LOGINNAME%; %INFO%; %$DIR%; %$PAGE%; %$LENGTH%; %$WIDTH%; %VER%; %YESCHAR%; %$CLS%; %TASKMGRWINDIR%; %$SLICE%; %$ON%; %$OFF%; %$HEADER%; %$FOOTER%; %ERRORLEVEL%; %ERRORLVL%; %HOUR%; %HOUR24%; %MINUTE%; %MONTH%; %SECOND%; %YEAR%; %/%; %STATION%; %MDOS EXEC%; %AM PM%; %GREETING TIME%; %MONTH NAME%; %NDAY OF WEEK%; %OS VERSION%; %SHORT YEAR%; %LOGIN NAME%; %P STATION%; %FULL NAME%; % YEAR%; % CODEPAGE%; % COLUMNS%; % COUNTRY%; % DAY%; % HOUR%; % MINUTE%; % MONTH%; % ROWS%; % SECOND%; MS-DOS environment; FBP USER (environment variable); FBP USER; BEGINLIBPATH (environment variable); BEGINLIBPATH; ENDLIBPATH (environment variable); ENDLIBPATH; Unset (Unix); C\WINDOWS; System variables; CD (pseudo-environment variable); %DIRSIZE%; %NEWFILE%; %COMM%; %HTTP DIR%; %HOSTNAME%; %FTPDIR%; %TZ%; %SOCKETS%; %LIBPATH%; LIBPATH (environment variable); Windir (Windows environment variable); Windir (environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA (Windows environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA (environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA; ProgramFiles (Windows environment variable); ProgramFiles (environment variable); ProgramFiles; ProgramFiles(x86) (Windows environment variable); ProgramFiles(x86) (environment variable); ProgramFiles(x86); ProgramW6432; ProgramW6432 (environment variable); ProgramW6432 (Windows environment variable); CommonProgramFiles; CommonProgramFiles (Windows environment variable); CommonProgramFiles (environment variable); SystemDrive (Windows environment variable); SystemDrive (environment variable); SystemDrive; SystemRoot; SystemRoot (environment variable); SystemRoot (Windows environment variable); ALLUSERSPROFILE (environment variable); ALLUSERSPROFILE; ALLUSERSPROFILE (Windows environment variable); PROGRAMDATA (environment variable); PROGRAMDATA; PROGRAMDATA (Windows environment variable); USERDOMAIN (environment variable); USERDOMAIN; USERDOMAIN (Windows environment variable); USERPROFILE (environment variable); USERPROFILE; USERPROFILE (Windows environment variable); APPDATA (environment variable); APPDATA; APPDATA (Windows environment variable); %APPDATA%; %LOCALAPPDATA%; %ProgramFiles%; %ProgramFiles(x86)%; %ProgramW6432%; %CommonProgramFiles%; %ALLUSERSPROFILE%; %PROGRAMDATA%; %USERDOMAIN%; %USERPROFILE%; %windir%; CMDLINE (environment variable); CONFIG (environment variable); $LD LIBRARY PATH; %HOMEDRIVE%; %HOMEPATH%; Setenv; Unsetenv; Environment string
<programming, operating system> A variable that is bound in the current environment. When evaluating an expression in some environment, the evaluation of a variable consists of looking up its name in the environment and substituting its value. Most programming languages have some concept of an environment but in Unix shell scripts it has a specific meaning slightly different from other contexts. In shell scripts, environment variables are one kind of shell variable. They differ from local variables and command line arguments in that they are inheritted by a child process. Examples are the PATH variable that tells the shell the file system paths to search to find command executables and the TZ variable which contains the local time zone. The variable called "SHELL" specifies the type of shell being used. These variables are used by commands or shell scripts to discover things about the environment they are operating in. Environment variables can be changed or created by the user or a program. To see a list of environment variables type "setenv" at the csh or tcsh prompt or "set" at the sh, bash, jsh or ksh prompt. In other programming languages, e.g. functional programming languages, the environment is extended with new bindings when a function's parameters are bound to its {actual arguments} or when new variables are declared. In a block-structured procedural language, the environment usually consists of a linked list of activation records. (1999-01-26)
Environment variable         
%SystemRoot%; %SystemDrive%; C:\WINDOWS; Environment variables; Env var; LC ALL; Environment (computing); Shell variable; Printenv; AppData; Environmental variable; %SYSTEMROOT%; $HOME; System variable; LD LIBRARY PATH; LIBPATH; LIBPATH (AIX); PROMPT (environment variable); Master environment; Pre-environment; Reserved environment variable; Master environment variable; Local environment variable; Local environment (computing); Local environment (DOS); Master environment (DOS); Pre-environment variable; Environment segment; Environment segment (computing); Environment segment (DOS); %APPEND%; %CONFIG%; %CMDLINE%; %COMSPEC%; %COPYCMD%; %DIRCMD%; %LANG%; %LANGSPEC%; %NO SEP%; %PATH%; %PROMPT%; %TEMP%; %TMP%; System environment; System environment (computing); System environment (DOS); System information variable; System information variable (computing); System information variable (DOS); $CLS (environment variable); Pseudo-environment variable; Unix environment variable; DOS environment variable; GEM environment variable; OS/2 environment variable; Windows environment variable; DOS pseudo-environment variable; Windows pseudo-environment variable; Dynamic environment variable; Dynamic environment variable (Microsoft); Dynamic environment variable (Windows); Dynamic environment variable (CMD); Dynamic environment variable (COMMAND.COM); Dynamic environment variable (DOS); System info variable; System information variable (COMMAND.COM); DOS system information variable; DOS system info variable; Internal variable (4DOS); Internal variable (4OS2); Internal variable (4NT); Internal variable (JP Software); 4DOS internal variable; 4OS2 internal variable; 4NT internal variable; 4DOS variable function; 4OS2 variable function; 4NT variable function; Variable function (4DOS); Variable function (4OS2); Variable function (4NT); Variable function (JP Software); JP Software variable function; JP Software internal variable; Dynamic environment variable (COMMAND); System information variable (COMMAND); DR-DOS system information variable; Novell DOS system information variable; Novell system information variable; OpenDOS system information variable; Caldera system information variable; RETURN (DOS command); %DRDOSCFG%; %NWDOSCFG%; %OPENDOSCFG%; %DRCOMSPEC%; %DRSYS%; %HOMEDIR%; %CMDCMDLINE%; %CMDEXTVERSION%; %RANDOM%; %TIME%; %SWITCHAR%; %PEXEC%; %OS%; %NOSOUND%; %NOCHAR%; %LOGINNAME%; %INFO%; %$DIR%; %$PAGE%; %$LENGTH%; %$WIDTH%; %VER%; %YESCHAR%; %$CLS%; %TASKMGRWINDIR%; %$SLICE%; %$ON%; %$OFF%; %$HEADER%; %$FOOTER%; %ERRORLEVEL%; %ERRORLVL%; %HOUR%; %HOUR24%; %MINUTE%; %MONTH%; %SECOND%; %YEAR%; %/%; %STATION%; %MDOS EXEC%; %AM PM%; %GREETING TIME%; %MONTH NAME%; %NDAY OF WEEK%; %OS VERSION%; %SHORT YEAR%; %LOGIN NAME%; %P STATION%; %FULL NAME%; % YEAR%; % CODEPAGE%; % COLUMNS%; % COUNTRY%; % DAY%; % HOUR%; % MINUTE%; % MONTH%; % ROWS%; % SECOND%; MS-DOS environment; FBP USER (environment variable); FBP USER; BEGINLIBPATH (environment variable); BEGINLIBPATH; ENDLIBPATH (environment variable); ENDLIBPATH; Unset (Unix); C\WINDOWS; System variables; CD (pseudo-environment variable); %DIRSIZE%; %NEWFILE%; %COMM%; %HTTP DIR%; %HOSTNAME%; %FTPDIR%; %TZ%; %SOCKETS%; %LIBPATH%; LIBPATH (environment variable); Windir (Windows environment variable); Windir (environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA (Windows environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA (environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA; ProgramFiles (Windows environment variable); ProgramFiles (environment variable); ProgramFiles; ProgramFiles(x86) (Windows environment variable); ProgramFiles(x86) (environment variable); ProgramFiles(x86); ProgramW6432; ProgramW6432 (environment variable); ProgramW6432 (Windows environment variable); CommonProgramFiles; CommonProgramFiles (Windows environment variable); CommonProgramFiles (environment variable); SystemDrive (Windows environment variable); SystemDrive (environment variable); SystemDrive; SystemRoot; SystemRoot (environment variable); SystemRoot (Windows environment variable); ALLUSERSPROFILE (environment variable); ALLUSERSPROFILE; ALLUSERSPROFILE (Windows environment variable); PROGRAMDATA (environment variable); PROGRAMDATA; PROGRAMDATA (Windows environment variable); USERDOMAIN (environment variable); USERDOMAIN; USERDOMAIN (Windows environment variable); USERPROFILE (environment variable); USERPROFILE; USERPROFILE (Windows environment variable); APPDATA (environment variable); APPDATA; APPDATA (Windows environment variable); %APPDATA%; %LOCALAPPDATA%; %ProgramFiles%; %ProgramFiles(x86)%; %ProgramW6432%; %CommonProgramFiles%; %ALLUSERSPROFILE%; %PROGRAMDATA%; %USERDOMAIN%; %USERPROFILE%; %windir%; CMDLINE (environment variable); CONFIG (environment variable); $LD LIBRARY PATH; %HOMEDRIVE%; %HOMEPATH%; Setenv; Unsetenv; Environment string
An environment variable is a dynamic-named value that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer. They are part of the environment in which a process runs.
prime cost         
Variable costs; Total variable cost; Total variable costs; Variable Cost; Prime cost; Variable Costs; Variable expense; Prime costs
¦ noun the direct cost of a commodity in terms of the materials and labour involved.
Variable-length array         
Variable Length Array; Variable-length arrays; Variable length array; Variably modified type
In computer programming, a variable-length array (VLA), also called variable-sized or runtime-sized, is an array data structure whose length is determined at run time (instead of at compile time).
shell variable         
%SystemRoot%; %SystemDrive%; C:\WINDOWS; Environment variables; Env var; LC ALL; Environment (computing); Shell variable; Printenv; AppData; Environmental variable; %SYSTEMROOT%; $HOME; System variable; LD LIBRARY PATH; LIBPATH; LIBPATH (AIX); PROMPT (environment variable); Master environment; Pre-environment; Reserved environment variable; Master environment variable; Local environment variable; Local environment (computing); Local environment (DOS); Master environment (DOS); Pre-environment variable; Environment segment; Environment segment (computing); Environment segment (DOS); %APPEND%; %CONFIG%; %CMDLINE%; %COMSPEC%; %COPYCMD%; %DIRCMD%; %LANG%; %LANGSPEC%; %NO SEP%; %PATH%; %PROMPT%; %TEMP%; %TMP%; System environment; System environment (computing); System environment (DOS); System information variable; System information variable (computing); System information variable (DOS); $CLS (environment variable); Pseudo-environment variable; Unix environment variable; DOS environment variable; GEM environment variable; OS/2 environment variable; Windows environment variable; DOS pseudo-environment variable; Windows pseudo-environment variable; Dynamic environment variable; Dynamic environment variable (Microsoft); Dynamic environment variable (Windows); Dynamic environment variable (CMD); Dynamic environment variable (COMMAND.COM); Dynamic environment variable (DOS); System info variable; System information variable (COMMAND.COM); DOS system information variable; DOS system info variable; Internal variable (4DOS); Internal variable (4OS2); Internal variable (4NT); Internal variable (JP Software); 4DOS internal variable; 4OS2 internal variable; 4NT internal variable; 4DOS variable function; 4OS2 variable function; 4NT variable function; Variable function (4DOS); Variable function (4OS2); Variable function (4NT); Variable function (JP Software); JP Software variable function; JP Software internal variable; Dynamic environment variable (COMMAND); System information variable (COMMAND); DR-DOS system information variable; Novell DOS system information variable; Novell system information variable; OpenDOS system information variable; Caldera system information variable; RETURN (DOS command); %DRDOSCFG%; %NWDOSCFG%; %OPENDOSCFG%; %DRCOMSPEC%; %DRSYS%; %HOMEDIR%; %CMDCMDLINE%; %CMDEXTVERSION%; %RANDOM%; %TIME%; %SWITCHAR%; %PEXEC%; %OS%; %NOSOUND%; %NOCHAR%; %LOGINNAME%; %INFO%; %$DIR%; %$PAGE%; %$LENGTH%; %$WIDTH%; %VER%; %YESCHAR%; %$CLS%; %TASKMGRWINDIR%; %$SLICE%; %$ON%; %$OFF%; %$HEADER%; %$FOOTER%; %ERRORLEVEL%; %ERRORLVL%; %HOUR%; %HOUR24%; %MINUTE%; %MONTH%; %SECOND%; %YEAR%; %/%; %STATION%; %MDOS EXEC%; %AM PM%; %GREETING TIME%; %MONTH NAME%; %NDAY OF WEEK%; %OS VERSION%; %SHORT YEAR%; %LOGIN NAME%; %P STATION%; %FULL NAME%; % YEAR%; % CODEPAGE%; % COLUMNS%; % COUNTRY%; % DAY%; % HOUR%; % MINUTE%; % MONTH%; % ROWS%; % SECOND%; MS-DOS environment; FBP USER (environment variable); FBP USER; BEGINLIBPATH (environment variable); BEGINLIBPATH; ENDLIBPATH (environment variable); ENDLIBPATH; Unset (Unix); C\WINDOWS; System variables; CD (pseudo-environment variable); %DIRSIZE%; %NEWFILE%; %COMM%; %HTTP DIR%; %HOSTNAME%; %FTPDIR%; %TZ%; %SOCKETS%; %LIBPATH%; LIBPATH (environment variable); Windir (Windows environment variable); Windir (environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA (Windows environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA (environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA; ProgramFiles (Windows environment variable); ProgramFiles (environment variable); ProgramFiles; ProgramFiles(x86) (Windows environment variable); ProgramFiles(x86) (environment variable); ProgramFiles(x86); ProgramW6432; ProgramW6432 (environment variable); ProgramW6432 (Windows environment variable); CommonProgramFiles; CommonProgramFiles (Windows environment variable); CommonProgramFiles (environment variable); SystemDrive (Windows environment variable); SystemDrive (environment variable); SystemDrive; SystemRoot; SystemRoot (environment variable); SystemRoot (Windows environment variable); ALLUSERSPROFILE (environment variable); ALLUSERSPROFILE; ALLUSERSPROFILE (Windows environment variable); PROGRAMDATA (environment variable); PROGRAMDATA; PROGRAMDATA (Windows environment variable); USERDOMAIN (environment variable); USERDOMAIN; USERDOMAIN (Windows environment variable); USERPROFILE (environment variable); USERPROFILE; USERPROFILE (Windows environment variable); APPDATA (environment variable); APPDATA; APPDATA (Windows environment variable); %APPDATA%; %LOCALAPPDATA%; %ProgramFiles%; %ProgramFiles(x86)%; %ProgramW6432%; %CommonProgramFiles%; %ALLUSERSPROFILE%; %PROGRAMDATA%; %USERDOMAIN%; %USERPROFILE%; %windir%; CMDLINE (environment variable); CONFIG (environment variable); $LD LIBRARY PATH; %HOMEDRIVE%; %HOMEPATH%; Setenv; Unsetenv; Environment string
<programming, operating system> One of the variables accessible to a Unix shell process, including {environment variables} (e.g. $HOME), command line arguments (e.g. $1) and local variables (e.g. $input_file). Other {operating systems} have similar variables. (1999-01-26)
Variable bitrate         
Variable Bit Rate; Variable-rate encoding; Variable bit-rate; Variable bit rate; MP3 VBR; Variable rate encoding; Variable bitrate encoding; Two-pass encoding; Multi-pass encoding; Variable-bitrate
Variable bitrate (VBR) is a term used in telecommunications and computing that relates to the bitrate used in sound or video encoding. As opposed to constant bitrate (CBR), VBR files vary the amount of output data per time segment.
Random variable         
  •  If the sample space is the set of possible numbers rolled on two dice, and the random variable of interest is the sum ''S'' of the numbers on the two dice, then ''S'' is a discrete random variable whose distribution is described by the [[probability mass function]] plotted as the height of picture columns here.
  • This graph shows how random variable is a function from all possible outcomes to real values. It also shows how random variable is used for defining probability mass functions.
RandomVariable; Random variables; Random variation; Discrete random variable; Stochastic variable; Aleatory variable; Statistical variable; Random Variable; Discrete Random Variable; Equal in distribution; Random quantity
A random variable (also called random quantity, aleatory variable, or stochastic variable) is a mathematical formalization of a quantity or object which depends on random events. It is a mapping or a function from possible outcomes in a sample space to a measurable space, often the real numbers.


Generic programming

Generic programming is a style of computer programming in which algorithms are written in terms of types to-be-specified-later that are then instantiated when needed for specific types provided as parameters. This approach, pioneered by the ML programming language in 1973, permits writing common functions or types that differ only in the set of types on which they operate when used, thus reducing duplication. Such software entities are known as generics in Ada, C#, Delphi, Eiffel, F#, Java, Nim, Python, Go, Rust, Swift, TypeScript and Visual Basic .NET. They are known as parametric polymorphism in ML, Scala, Julia, and Haskell (the Haskell community also uses the term "generic" for a related but somewhat different concept); templates in C++ and D; and parameterized types in the influential 1994 book Design Patterns.

The term "generic programming" was originally coined by David Musser and Alexander Stepanov in a more specific sense than the above, to describe a programming paradigm whereby fundamental requirements on types are abstracted from across concrete examples of algorithms and data structures and formalized as concepts, with generic functions implemented in terms of these concepts, typically using language genericity mechanisms as described above.