Overtone singing
Ezengileer; Khöömei; Xoomej; Höömei; Kai-chi; Throat-singer; Kargiraa; Хөөмей; Overtone Chanting; Xoomi; Xoomei; Dumchuktaar; Kai (singing); Throat Singers; Harmonic overtone singing; Throat song; Hoomei; Hoeoemei; Xoeoemej; Khoeoemei; Xoeoemei; Vocal harmonics; Khöömii; Throatsinging; Throat singer; Aliquot singing; Höömeï; Harmonic singing; Multiphonic singing; Harmonic chanting; Overtone-singing; Khuumii
Overtone singing – also known as overtone chanting, harmonic singing, polyphonic overtone singing, and diphonic singing – is a set of singing techniques in which the vocalist manipulates the resonances of the vocal tract, in order to arouse the perception of additional, separate notes beyond the fundamental frequency being produced.