work done for others
1) to do, offer, perform, provide, render a service
2) custom; meritorious; public; yeoman ('loyal') service
3) professional; social (BE) services (a fee for professional services)
4) service to (she received an award for meritorious service to the community)
5) (misc.) to press smb. into service
facility that satisfies a need
6) to introduce; offer, provide; restore service
7) to suspend a service
8) an ambulance; answering; bus; clipping (AE), press-cutting (BE); customer; dating; delivery; diaper (AE); door-to-door; employment (esp. AE); express; ferry; health-visitor (BE), visiting-nurse (AE); janitorial (AE); laundry; limousine (esp. AE); news, wire; placement; postal; repair; room; telephone; towing service
operation, use
9) to see service (this equipment has seen plenty of service)
10) in; out of service (the bus was not in service)
11) (misc.) to put smt. into service
12) to be at smb.'s service
help, benefit
13) to be of service to
religious ceremony
14) to hold a service; to hold services
15) a burial; marriage; memorial; prayer, religious service
16) an evening; morning; noontime; sunrise service (they hold sunrise services once a week)
set of utensils
17) a coffee; dinner; tea service
18) a service for
administrative division of government
19) the civil; consular; diplomatic; foreign; intelligence, secret service
20) human services ('social services')
game during which one serves
21) to hold ('win'); lose one's service
22) to break smb.'s service
duty in the armed forces
23) to see service (she saw service during the Second World War)
24) military; national (BE), selective (AE) service
25) active; inactive service
26) in the service
position as a servant
(esp. BE)
27) domestic service
28) to be in service; to go into service
scheduled routes, flights
29) to introduce; offer, provide service
30) to suspend service
31) daily; regular service
32) service between; from; to (regular service between two cities; that airline provides daily service from New York to London)
manner of dealing with customers
33) fast; fine; slow service
34) lip service ('meaningless promises')