von Neumann integer - определение. Что такое von Neumann integer
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Что (кто) такое von Neumann integer - определение

Von Neumann neighbourhood; Von Neumann neighbohood; Von Neumann neighbor
  • Manhattan distance r = 1
Найдено результатов: 4593
von Neumann integer      
<mathematics> A finite von Neumann ordinal. The von Neumann integer N is a finite set with N elements which are the von Neumann integers 0 to N-1. Thus 0 = } = { 1 = 0 = {} 2 = 0, 1 = {, {}} 3 = 0, 1, 2 = {, {}, {, {}}} ... The set of von Neumann integers is infinite, even though each of its elements is finite. [Origin of name?] (1995-03-30)
John von Neumann Theory Prize         
John Von Neumann Theory Prize; Von Neumann Theory Prize; John von neumann prize
The John von Neumann Theory Prize of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
von Neumann architecture         
  • Single [[system bus]] evolution of the architecture
Von Neumann bottleneck; Von Neumann computer; Von Neumann model; Princeton architecture; Von neumann architecture; Von Neumann Model; Stored program concept; Stored-program architecture; Von Neumann style; Non-Von Neumann architecture; Von Neumann computer architecture; Von Neumann Architecture; Non-von Neumann architecture; Neumann architecture; Van Neumann architecture; Von Neuman architecture; Van Neuman architecture
<architecture, computability> A computer architecture conceived by mathematician John von Neumann, which forms the core of nearly every computer system in use today (regardless of size). In contrast to a Turing machine, a von Neumann machine has a random-access memory (RAM) which means that each successive operation can read or write any memory location, independent of the location accessed by the previous operation. A von Neumann machine also has a central processing unit (CPU) with one or more registers that hold data that are being operated on. The CPU has a set of built-in operations (its instruction set) that is far richer than with the Turing machine, e.g. adding two binary integers, or branching to another part of a program if the binary integer in some register is equal to zero (conditional branch). The CPU can interpret the contents of memory either as instructions or as data according to the {fetch-execute cycle}. Von Neumann considered parallel computers but recognized the problems of construction and hence settled for a sequential system. For this reason, parallel computers are sometimes referred to as non-von Neumann architectures. A von Neumann machine can compute the same class of functions as a universal Turing machine. [Reference? Was von Neumann's design, unlike Turing's, originally intended for physical implementation?] von Neumann architecturetevans/VonNeuma.htm">http://salem.mass.edu/von Neumann architecturetevans/VonNeuma.htm. (2003-05-16)
Von Neumann architecture         
  • Single [[system bus]] evolution of the architecture
Von Neumann bottleneck; Von Neumann computer; Von Neumann model; Princeton architecture; Von neumann architecture; Von Neumann Model; Stored program concept; Stored-program architecture; Von Neumann style; Non-Von Neumann architecture; Von Neumann computer architecture; Von Neumann Architecture; Non-von Neumann architecture; Neumann architecture; Van Neumann architecture; Von Neuman architecture; Van Neuman architecture
The von Neumann architecture — also known as the von Neumann model or Princeton architecture — is a computer architecture based on a 1945 description by John von Neumann, and by others, in the First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC. The document describes a design architecture for an electronic digital computer with these components:
Finite von Neumann algebra         
Finite dimensional von neumann algebra; Finite dimensional von Neumann algebra; Finite-dimensional von Neumann algebra
In mathematics, a finite von Neumann algebra is a von Neumann algebra in which every isometry is a unitary. In other words, for an operator V in a finite von Neumann algebra if V^*V = I, then VV^* = I.
John von Neumann         
  • [[Flow chart]] from von Neumann's "Planning and coding of problems for an electronic computing instrument", published in 1947
  • Implosion mechanism
  • Los Alamos]] ID badge photo
  • Von Neumann's gravestone
  • History of approaches that led to NBG set theory
  • Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin]] announcing Neumann's lectures on the theory of functions II, axiomatic set theory and mathematical logic, the mathematical colloquium, review of recent work in quantum mechanics, special functions of mathematical physics and Hilbert's proof theory. He also lectured on the theory of relativity, set theory, integral equations and analysis of infinitely many variables.
  • Von Neumann's birthplace, at 16 Báthory Street, Budapest. Since 1968, it has housed the [[John von Neumann Computer Society]].
  • pmid=8942052}}</ref> Three generations of machine are shown: the second has nearly finished constructing the third. The lines running to the right are the tapes of genetic instructions, which are copied along with the body of the machines.
  • [[Operation Redwing]] nuclear test in July 1956
  • A simple configuration in von Neumann's cellular automaton. A binary signal is passed repeatedly around the blue wire loop, using excited and quiescent ''ordinary transmission states''. A confluent cell duplicates the signal onto a length of red wire consisting of ''special transmission states''. The signal passes down this wire and constructs a new cell at the end. This particular signal (1011) codes for an east-directed special transmission state, thus extending the red wire by one cell each time. During construction, the new cell passes through several sensitised states, directed by the binary sequence.
  • The von Neumann crater, on the far side of the Moon
John Von Neumann; Jon von Neumann; Neumann, John von; Johann von Neumann; Johnny von Neumann; János Neumann; Neumann János; Von Neuman; John v. Neumann; J. von Neumann; Dr. John Von Neumann; John von neumann; John von Neuman; Janos Lajos Neumann; János Lajos Neumann; John von neuman; Margittai Neumann János Lajos; Janos Neumann; Neumann Janos; Jon Von Neumann; Margittai Neumann Janos Lajos; Johann Von Neumann; János von Neumann; Jon van Newman; Neumann János Lajos
<person> /jon von noy'mahn/ Born 1903-12-28, died 1957-02-08. A Hungarian-born mathematician who did pioneering work in quantum physics, game theory, and computer science. He contributed to the USA's Manhattan Project that built the first atomic bomb. von Neumann was invited to Princeton University in 1930, and was a mathematics professor at the {Institute for Advanced Studies} from its formation in 1933 until his death. From 1936 to 1938 Alan Turing was a visitor at the Institute and completed a Ph.D. dissertation under von Neumann's supervision. This visit occurred shortly after Turing's publication of his 1934 paper "On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungs-problem" which involved the concepts of logical design and the universal machine. von Neumann must have known of Turing's ideas but it is not clear whether he applied them to the design of the IAS Machine ten years later. While serving on the BRL Scientific Advisory Committee, von Neumann joined the developers of ENIAC and made some critical contributions. In 1947, while working on the design for the successor machine, EDVAC, von Neumann realized that ENIAC's lack of a centralized control unit could be overcome to obtain a rudimentary stored program computer. He also proposed the fetch-execute cycle. His ideas led to what is now often called the von Neumann architecture. von Neumannmbsclass/is2000/hall_of_fame/vonneuma.htm">http://sis.pitt.edu/John von Neumannmbsclass/is2000/hall_of_fame/vonneuma.htm. von Neumannhistory/VonNeumann.html">http://ei.cs.vt.edu/John von Neumannhistory/VonNeumann.html. von Neumannmike/comphist/54nord/">http://ftp.arl.mil/John von Neumannmike/comphist/54nord/. (2004-01-14)
Franz Neumann (architect)         
Franz von Neumann
Franz Ritter von Neumann the Younger (January 16, 1844, Vienna – February 1, 1905, Vienna) was an Austrian architect.
NeumannNeumann methods         
Neumann-Neumann method; Neumann-Neumann methods; Neumann–Neumann method
In mathematics, NeumannNeumann methods are domain decomposition preconditioners named so because they solve a Neumann problem on each subdomain on both sides of the interface between the subdomains.A.
von Neumann machine         
Von Neuman Machine; Von neumann machine; Von Neumann machines; Von Neumann Machine; Von Neumann machine (disambiguation)
Von Neumann neighborhood         
In cellular automata, the von Neumann neighborhood (or 4-neighborhood) is classically defined on a two-dimensional square lattice and is composed of a central cell and its four adjacent cells.. The neighborhood is named after John von Neumann, who used it to define the von Neumann cellular automaton and the von Neumann universal constructor within it..


Von Neumann neighborhood

In cellular automata, the von Neumann neighborhood (or 4-neighborhood) is classically defined on a two-dimensional square lattice and is composed of a central cell and its four adjacent cells. The neighborhood is named after John von Neumann, who used it to define the von Neumann cellular automaton and the von Neumann universal constructor within it. It is one of the two most commonly used neighborhood types for two-dimensional cellular automata, the other one being the Moore neighborhood.

This neighbourhood can be used to define the notion of 4-connected pixels in computer graphics.

The von Neumann neighbourhood of a cell is the cell itself and the cells at a Manhattan distance of 1.

The concept can be extended to higher dimensions, for example forming a 6-cell octahedral neighborhood for a cubic cellular automaton in three dimensions.