RTFM$94612$ - перевод на голландский
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RTFM$94612$ - перевод на голландский

STFW; RTFS; RTFA; Rtfm; RTBM; Read The Fucking Manual; Read The Bloody Manual; UTFG; Read the f***ing manual; RTF.H; RTFQ; RTFreakingM; JFGI; Google is your friend; RTFMA; GIYF; WIYF; Giyf; Read The Friendly Manual; Just fucking google it; RTFB; Use the source; Let me Google that for you; LMGTFY; Rtfa; Jfgi; Read the fucking manual; Read the manual; Lmgtfy; Let me google that for you; RTDM; Do your own research; Read the bloody manual

n. een kwaad verzoek aan iemand om naar Internet om geen brieven of artikelen te sturen met domme vragen voordat hij de handleiding heeft gelezen
Read The Manual         
lees de gebruiksaanwijzing (afkorting op internet)
Read The Fucking Manual         
woedend antwoord aan een internet gebruiker dat hem verzoekt geen domme vragen te sturen nog voordat de gebruiker hulpstof heeft nageslagen op het betreffende gebied, RTFM


(Unix) Read The Bloody Manual. Commonwealth Hackish variant of RTFM. RTBM is often the entire text of the first reply to a question from a newbie; the *second* would escalate to "RTFM". [Jargon File] (1994-12-08)



RTFM is an initialism and internet slang for the expression "read the fucking manual" – typically used to reply to a basic question where the answer is easily found in the documentation, user guide, owner's manual, man page, online help, internet forum, software documentation or FAQ.

Usage is variously viewed as a pointed reminder of etiquette to try to find a solution before posting to a mass forum or email alias; helping a newer user (colloquially and demeaningly referred to as a noob within internet culture) to improve themselves; as a useless response; or as a hostile and elitist response. Polite usages would mention where one has looked when asking a question, and to provide an exact location or link where exactly to RTFM.

In expurgated texts, substitutions such as "read the frickn' manual", "read the factory manual", "read the field manual", "read the flaming manual", "read the fine manual", "read the friendly manual", "read the [pause] manual" or similar variants are used.

If there is no appropriate content in the manual but the answer is frequently seen in the forum, a similar response in internet culture might be to Lurk moar, meaning to observe the forum for a time before asking questions.