Seccion; Seccion (desambiguacion); Sección (desambiguación); Secciones
= frame, piece, portion, section, section, unit, area, chapter, arm, tranche, pod.
Ex: Please return to frame 244 and read again about the use of the / (oblique stroke), paying particular attention to the examples given.
Ex: Within one main class the same piece of notation may be used to signify different concepts.
Ex: An extract is one o more portions of a document selected to represent the whole document.
Ex: Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.
Ex: Cartographic materials are all the materials that represent, in whole or in part, the earth or any celestial body at any scale and include globes; block diagrams; sections; atlases; bird's eye views, etc.
Ex: Therefore, during the concluding phase of the revision project, the representatives of ALA units and other organizations will function as a single group.
Ex: Libraries usually arrange separate areas where current periodicals, maps, government publications, early printed books and manuscripts are housed.
Ex: For example, the American Library Association and its chapters usually include a subsidiary group designed for library trustees.
Ex: The author discusses the roles that various arms of the proposed structure can play to promote free flow of information = El autor describe las funciones que los diferentes departamentos de la estructura propuesta puede desempeñar para promover la libre circulación de la información.
Ex: The first tranche of NATO enlargement -- adding Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic next year -- will help stabilize an historically unstable region.
Ex: There are 3 "pods" designed to separate areas from the main library for children's activities, the African and Caribbean literature centres and for meeting rooms.
* bibliotecario encargado de la sección infantil = children's librarian.
* bibliotecario encargado de la sección juvenil = young adult librarian.
* de sección = sectional.
* división en secciones = departmentation.
* en sección = sectional.
* jefe de sección = section head.
* sección alfabética = alphabetical section.
* sección central = midsection [mid-section].
* sección de adquisiciones = acquisitions department, order department.
* sección de adultos = adult section, adult department, adult services section.
* sección de apoyo a los programas de estudios = curriculum material center.
* Sección de Automatización y Documentación de ALA (IASD) = Information Science and Automation Division (IASD).
* sección de catalogación = cataloguing division, cataloguing department.
* sección de comentarios = comments section.
* sección de compras = acquisitions department, order department.
* sección de fondos locales = local studies department, local studies library, local studies collection.
* Sección de Garantía del Asesoramiento Agrícola y del Fondo de Garantía Europ = Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).
* sección de la biblioteca = library section.
* sección de libros en rústica = paperback rack.
* sección de literatura narrativa = fiction section.
* sección de nóminas = payroll department, salaries section.
* sección de personal = personnel department, personnel office.
* sección de préstamo = lending collection, lending stock.
* sección de publicaciones periódicas = serial department, periodicals area.
* sección de referencia = reference section, reference department, reference division, reference area.
* sección de temas locales = local studies department, local studies library, local studies collection.
* sección de últimos números de publicaciones periódicas = current periodicals area.
* sección de vídeos = video collection.
* sección eliminada de la versión final de una película o grabación sonora = outtake.
* sección infantil = children's department.
* sección juvenil = young adult department.
* sección para el fondo de consulta en sala = reserve room.
* subsección = subsection [sub-section].