= attendance, turnout, assist.
Nota: Utilizado en el deporte.
Ex: The teacher flipped over the document and examined her scored evaluations: all, except for attendance and punctuality, were in the low 70's, a devastatingly dramatic plunge from the former heights of her 97 to 99 scores.
Ex: The 48th US National Book Awards held in Nov 1997 attracted a record turnout of nearly 800 people.
Ex: Kristen Taylor leads Carolina with three goals and an assist.
* asistencia a congreso = conference attendance.
* asistencia con invitación = invitational.
* asistencia médica = medical care, health care [healthcare], medical aid, medical assistance.
* asistencia por invitación = invitational.
* asistencia sanitaria = health care [healthcare], medical care, health care system, medical aid, medical assistance.
* asistencia social = social relief, welfare, social work, social casework.
* asistencia técnica = technical assistance.
* ayuda de asistencia = attendance grant.
* ayuda de asistencia a congreso = conference attendance grant.
* beca de asistencia = attendance grant.
* beca de asistencia a congreso = conference attendance grant.
* centro de asistencia social = welfare facility.
* cifras de asistencia = attendance figures.
* falta de asistencia = lack of attendance, non-attendance.
* no asistencia = non-attendance.
* servicios de asistencia = remedial services.
* sistema de asistencia sanitaria = health care system.
* teléfono de asistencia = help line, telephone help line.