país en vías de desarrollo
Países en desarrollo; Países en vías de desarrollo; Pais en vias de desarrollo; Paises en vias de desarrollo; Paises en desarrollo; Pais en vías de desarrollo; Países de desarrollo intermedio; País de desarrollo intermedio; Desarrollo intermedio; Mundo en desarrollo
(n.) = developing country, transitional nation, transitional economy, developing nation, emerging economy, developing economy, country with developing economy
Ex: This software is important to the further implementation of the record format, especially in developing countries. Ex: The author suggests an eclectic approach to library development in the transitional nations of Africa. Ex: I would like to explore how information and communication technologies will impact on transitional economies as well as developed nations. Ex: This manual was developed to help health workers in developing nations to teach expectant mothers about pregnancy and childbirth. Ex: Conservation as a profession is not valued as much in emerging economies as it is in advanced industrial nations. Ex: Previously protected markets such as India, China and Brazil will have to open up and there will be no special treatment of developing economies by the industrialized nations. Ex: This program provides continuing education for library and information science professionals from countries with developing economies.