= pass out, push out, eject, drive out, expel, evict.
Ex: Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion.
Ex: There is today culture of all sorts at all levels (high culture, middle-brow culture and mass culture) and there is no evidence to show that the one sort pushes out the other.
Ex: Newsprint machines, on the other hand, have grown ever larger and faster, and there are newsprint Fourdriniers working today which can eject a web 1,000 cm. wide at speeds of up to 1,000 metres per minute (which is 60 k.p.h.).
Ex: The development of user-friendly interfaces to data bases may drive out the unspecialised information broker in the long run.
Ex: These policies indiscriminately suspend, expel, & punish harshly students who break rules under these policies.
Ex: This printing press was evicted from its premises in 1984 to make way for a seminar room.
* expulsar temporalmente = suspend.