На этой странице Вы можете получить подробный анализ слова или словосочетания, произведенный с помощью лучшей на сегодняшний день технологии искусственного интеллекта:
общая лексика
(небольшой) бумажник
общая лексика
сумка (для инструментов и т. п.)
дорожная сумка
футляр, сумка (для инструментов и т. п.)
устаревшее выражение
A wallet is a flat case or pouch, or a band formally used to wrap celery, often used to carry small personal items such as paper currency, credit cards; identification documents such as driver's license, identification card, club card; photographs, transit pass, business cards and other paper or laminated cards. Wallets are generally made of leather or fabrics, and they are usually pocket-sized and foldable.
Wallets may include money clips, coin purses, a chain fastener, strap, or rein, or a zipper. There are specialized wallets for holding passports, wearable ID cards, and checkbooks. Some unusual wallets are worn on the wrist or shoe. Wallets may be used as a fashion accessory, or to demonstrate the style, wealth, or status of the owner.