earth wolf - перевод на русский
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earth wolf - перевод на русский

Im-Ho-Tep (song); Dracula; Iced Earth Song; Horror Show (Iced Earth album); Jack (Iced Earth song); Wolf (Iced Earth song)

earth wolf      

общая лексика

земляной волк (Proteles cristatus)

  • Abruzzo Natural Park]] showing advanced signs of [[canine distemper]]
  • Wolves in the [[La Boissière-du-Doré]] Zoo, France
  • A wolf skeleton housed in the Wolf Museum, [[Abruzzo National Park]], Italy
  • Indian wolves at the [[Mysore Zoo]]
  • Life restoration of ''[[Canis mosbachensis]]'', the wolf's immediate ancestor
  • she-wolf]] feeding the twins [[Romulus and Remus]], from the legend of the [[founding of Rome]], Italy, 13th century AD. (The twins are a 15th-century addition.)
  • A wolf in southern [[Israel]]
  • 50 px
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  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
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  • ''[[Little Red Riding Hood]]'' (1883), [[Gustave Doré]]
  • Wolf–dog hybrids]] in the wild animal park at [[Kadzidłowo]], Poland. Left: product of a male wolf and a female [[spaniel]]; right: from a female wolf and a male [[West Siberian Laika]]
  • A North American wolf
  • ''Country children surprised by a wolf'' (1833) by François Grenier de Saint-Martin
  • [[Iberian wolf]] pups stimulating their mother to regurgitate some food
  • Korean wolves mating in the [[Tama Zoological Park]], Japan
  • Apennines]] in [[Sassoferrato]], Italy
  • reintroduction]]
  • Carcasses of hunted wolves in [[Volgograd Oblast]], Russia
  • A 1905 postcard of the [[Hexham wolf]], an escaped wolf shot for killing livestock in England
  • Wolf in [[Spiti Valley]], northern India
  • In [[Yellowstone National Park]]
  • alt=Map showing the wolf's range in Europe and surrounding areas
  • caribou]] hindquarter, [[Denali National Park]], [[Alaska]]
  • Wolves pursuing a bull elk
  • A wolf, a bear, coyotes and ravens compete over a kill
  • Two wolves feeding on a [[white-tailed deer]]
WolVes; Grey Wolf; Wolve; Canis Lupus; Gray Wolves; Wolves; Grey wolf; Forest wolf; Loafer wolves; Wolf Evolution; Grey wolves; The gray wolf; The primary food of the gray wolf; Gray wolves; Eastern beringia; Canis lupus; Migration patterns of the gray wolf; Gray Wolf; 🐺; Southern wolf; Southern wolves; Gray wolf reproductive physiology and life cycle; Gray wolf anatomy; Scent marking in wolves; Wolf mating; Wolf territories; Wolf territory; Wolf intelligence; Wolf anatomy; C. lupus; Mating wolves; Wolves mating; Sexual behavior of wolves; Territorial behavior of gray wolves; Sexual behavior of gray wolves; Reproductive behavior of wolves; Western wolf; Casanova wolves; Social behavior of gray wolves; User:Wo87017164/sandbox; Olfactory communication in gray wolves; Gray wolf; Wolves in popular culture; Cultural depictions of wolves; Mating of wolves


общая лексика

"Вулф" (фирменное название различных видов ручного рабочего инструмента для бытового и промышленного применения; производится компанией "Вулф тулз" [Wolf Tools])

  • Abruzzo Natural Park]] showing advanced signs of [[canine distemper]]
  • Wolves in the [[La Boissière-du-Doré]] Zoo, France
  • A wolf skeleton housed in the Wolf Museum, [[Abruzzo National Park]], Italy
  • Indian wolves at the [[Mysore Zoo]]
  • Life restoration of ''[[Canis mosbachensis]]'', the wolf's immediate ancestor
  • she-wolf]] feeding the twins [[Romulus and Remus]], from the legend of the [[founding of Rome]], Italy, 13th century AD. (The twins are a 15th-century addition.)
  • A wolf in southern [[Israel]]
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • ''[[Little Red Riding Hood]]'' (1883), [[Gustave Doré]]
  • Wolf–dog hybrids]] in the wild animal park at [[Kadzidłowo]], Poland. Left: product of a male wolf and a female [[spaniel]]; right: from a female wolf and a male [[West Siberian Laika]]
  • A North American wolf
  • ''Country children surprised by a wolf'' (1833) by François Grenier de Saint-Martin
  • [[Iberian wolf]] pups stimulating their mother to regurgitate some food
  • Korean wolves mating in the [[Tama Zoological Park]], Japan
  • Apennines]] in [[Sassoferrato]], Italy
  • reintroduction]]
  • Carcasses of hunted wolves in [[Volgograd Oblast]], Russia
  • A 1905 postcard of the [[Hexham wolf]], an escaped wolf shot for killing livestock in England
  • Wolf in [[Spiti Valley]], northern India
  • In [[Yellowstone National Park]]
  • alt=Map showing the wolf's range in Europe and surrounding areas
  • caribou]] hindquarter, [[Denali National Park]], [[Alaska]]
  • Wolves pursuing a bull elk
  • A wolf, a bear, coyotes and ravens compete over a kill
  • Two wolves feeding on a [[white-tailed deer]]
WolVes; Grey Wolf; Wolve; Canis Lupus; Gray Wolves; Wolves; Grey wolf; Forest wolf; Loafer wolves; Wolf Evolution; Grey wolves; The gray wolf; The primary food of the gray wolf; Gray wolves; Eastern beringia; Canis lupus; Migration patterns of the gray wolf; Gray Wolf; 🐺; Southern wolf; Southern wolves; Gray wolf reproductive physiology and life cycle; Gray wolf anatomy; Scent marking in wolves; Wolf mating; Wolf territories; Wolf territory; Wolf intelligence; Wolf anatomy; C. lupus; Mating wolves; Wolves mating; Sexual behavior of wolves; Territorial behavior of gray wolves; Sexual behavior of gray wolves; Reproductive behavior of wolves; Western wolf; Casanova wolves; Social behavior of gray wolves; User:Wo87017164/sandbox; Olfactory communication in gray wolves; Gray wolf; Wolves in popular culture; Cultural depictions of wolves; Mating of wolves


общая лексика


(обыкновенный) волк (Canis lupus)



общая лексика

волчий мех


безжалостный или жадный человек




жестокий, злой человек


волк (Canis lupus)

разговорное выражение





старшина (роты)

старшина (роты и т. п.)

собирательное выражение

бабник, волокита




общая лексика

заглатывать (пищу) с жадностью (часто wolf down)



волочиться за каждой юбкой

отбивать девушку (у кого-л.)

редкое выражение

поднимать ложную тревогу


ВОЛЧ'ОНОК, волчонка, мн. волчата, волчат, ·муж.
1. Детеныш волка.
2. Ребенок из младших октябрят или готовящийся в октябрята (неол. ·школ. ).


Horror Show (album)

Horror Show is the sixth studio album from the American heavy metal band Iced Earth, released June 26, 2001. It is a concept album based on classic monsters and horror-movie icons, including Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Phantom. It was the first Iced Earth album to feature drummer Richard Christy, and the only album to feature Steve Di Giorgio on bass, though he did not tour with the band. Horror Show is usually considered Iced Earth's only straightforward power metal release, as little of the thrash metal influence from the band's earlier works is present. This album also featured more prominent usage of Matt Barlow's multi-layered vocals as a center point for the songs.

There was a special limited-edition two-disc set. The second disc included the instrumental track, "Transylvania", an Iron Maiden cover, along with an interview with bandleader/rhythm guitarist Jon Schaffer. There is also a single-disc version with "Transylvania", but without the interview. The song "Dracula" includes the line "the blood is the life", a quote from Deuteronomy 12:23. However, it is likely lifted from the 1992 version of Bram Stoker's Dracula which also features the line. As in "Dracula", many of the lyrics are lifted straight from the movies they were inspired by. Unlike other releases, it features much writing from Matt Barlow.

By the end of the song "Damien" there is a section where Jon's reversed voice repeats the message that is also in the middle, silent section of the song. So, if the song is played backwards, the true message can be heard. This kind of reversed voice was also done by Iron Maiden in the beginning of their song "Still Life" of their fourth studio album Piece of Mind.

Как переводится earth wolf на Русский язык