general acceptance - перевод на русский
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general acceptance - перевод на русский

Bankers' acceptance; Bankers' Acceptance; Bankers acceptance; Bank acceptance; Sight draft; Acceptance bill; Bankers' acceptance rate

general acceptance      
безусловный акцепт
banker's acceptance         
банковский акцепт, акцептованный банком вексель
sight draft         
вексель на предъявителя


Дженерал моторс


Banker's acceptance

A banker's acceptance is a commitment by a bank to make a requested future payment. The request will typically specify the payee, the amount, and the date on which it is eligible for payment. After acceptance, the request becomes an unconditional liability of the bank. Banker's acceptances are distinguished from ordinary time drafts in that ownership is transferable prior to maturity, allowing them to be traded in the secondary market.

A banker's acceptance starts with a deposit in the amount of the future payment plus fees. A time draft to be drawn on the deposit is issued for the payment at a future date, analogous to a post-dated check. The bank accepts (guarantees) the obligation to pay the holder of the draft, analogous to a cashier's check. The draft holder may hold the acceptance until maturity and receive the face value payment from the bank, or it may sell (exchange) the acceptance at a discount to another party willing to wait until maturity to receive the bank's promised payment.

Banker's acceptances are advantageous in transactions between unacquainted parties by reducing credit risk, and are used extensively in international trade for this reason. In an agreement whereby goods will be sold at a future date, if the buyer does not have an established relationship with or otherwise cannot obtain credit from the seller, a banker's acceptance enables it to substitute the bank's creditworthiness for its own.

Banker's acceptances are typically issued in multiples of US$100,000, with a term to maturity between 1 and 6 months.

Примеры употребления для general acceptance
1. Thus, it is not so much the distance, but the general acceptance of society of what constitutes travel.
2. The general acceptance among pro–Israel Jewish Americans of a Palestinian state alongside Israel is relatively new.
3. Now Blair is right to accept rebate reductions as the price we must pay for the general acceptance of a European budget that limits all Brussels‘ spending.
4. By the time the election is declared there will be a general acceptance that Conservatives do not change their fiscal spots.
5. At least a dozen courts from New Jersey to Hawaii have taken what is referred to as judicial notice, or general acceptance, of laser speed guns.
Как переводится general acceptance на Русский язык