ledger card - перевод на Английский
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ledger card - перевод на Английский

Subsidiary ledger; Sub-ledger
Найдено результатов: 697
ledger card      

общая лексика

перфокарта с краевой высечкой

бухгалтерский учет

учетная карточка

карточка бухгалтерского учета (документ, заводимый для конкретного человека (организации), хозяйственной операции (сделки), объекта (напр., имущества, активов и т. п.); содержит всю информацию по операциям данного индивида (организации), по данной хозяйственной операции и т. д.)

Смотрите также

business transaction; property; asset; ledger; ledger account; accounting record; accounts and records; work card; stores record

ledger card      
карточка бухгалтерского учёта
general ledger         
Nominal ledger; General Ledger; General ledgers; Generalledger; Nominal ledgers
см. control ledger 2
general ledger         
Nominal ledger; General Ledger; General ledgers; Generalledger; Nominal ledgers

бухгалтерский учет

главная [общая бухгалтерская] книга

общий гроссбух

гроссбух (основная бухгалтерская книга компании, которая содержит всю информацию о ее финансовом положении; контрольные счета в этой книге суммируют данные из других книг)


ledger; accounting ledger


subsidiary ledger

Смотрите также

control account; subsidiary account; book of final entry; book of prime entry; journal; cross-indexing

nominal ledger         
Nominal ledger; General Ledger; General ledgers; Generalledger; Nominal ledgers

бухгалтерский учет

номинальная бухгалтерская книга (бухгалтерская книга, содержащая номинальные счета и реальные счета, необходимые для подготовки отчетности организации; эти бухгалтерские книги отличаются от книг счетов частных лиц, таких как книга продаж и книга покупок, содержащих счета клиентов и поставщиков соответственно)

store card         
  • [[Card Security Code]]
  • Israeli manual card imprinter
  • Purchasing by debit card
Payment Card; Atm card; Cash card; Banking card; Purchase card; Payment cards; Pcard; Bank cards; Card payment; Card payments; Store card


магазинная (кредитная) карточка (кредитная (платежная) карточка, выпущенная торговой группой, сетью магазинов)

Смотрите также

bin card

punch card         
  • [[Aperture card]]
  • An 80-column punched card with the extended character set introduced with [[EBCDIC]] in 1964.
  • A U.S. Census Bureau clerk (left) prepares punch cards using a pantograph similar to that developed by Herman Hollerith for the 1890 Census, while a second clerk (right) uses a 1930s key punch to perform the same task more quickly.
  • Carpet loom with Jacquard apparatus by Carl Engel, around 1860. Chain feed is on the left.
  • A wall-sized display sample of a punch card for the 1954 U.S. Census of Agriculture
  • Punched card from a [[Fortran]] program: Z(1) = Y + W(1), plus sorting information in the last 8 columns.
  • HP Educational Basic optical mark-reader card.
  • Hollerith card as shown in the ''[[Railroad Gazette]]'' in 1895, with 12 rows and 24 columns.<ref name="Railroad_1895"/>
  • Binary]] punched card.
  • United States National Archives Records Service]] facility in 1959. Each carton could hold 2,000 cards.
  • Invalid "lace cards" such as this pose mechanical problems for card readers.
  • Clerk creating punch cards containing data from the [[1950 United States census]].
  • A 5081 card from a non-IBM manufacturer.
  • A punched card printing plate.
  • A deck of punched cards comprising a computer program. The red diagonal line is a visual aid to keep the deck sorted.<ref name="Miami"/>
  • A blank [[Remington Rand]] [[UNIVAC]] format card. Card courtesy of [[MIT Museum]].
  • A punched Remington Rand card with an IBM card for comparison
  • IBM 96-column punched card
  • Woman operating the card puncher, c.1940
  • A $75 U.S. Savings Bond, Series EE issued as a punched card. Eight of the holes record the bond serial number.
  • Institutions, such as universities, often had their general purpose cards printed with a logo. A wide variety of forms and documents were printed on punched cards, including checks. Such printing did not interfere with the operation of the machinery.
  • A 12-row/80-column [[IBM]] punched card from the mid-twentieth century
Punched cards; Punchcard; Punch cards; Punch Card; Hollerith card; Hollerith cards; IBM card; Hollerith Card; Tabulating card; Computer punch card; Punched-card; Input deck; Punchcards; Punch-card; Punch card; Overpunch; Hollerith encoding; Hollerith code; Port-a-punch; IBM Port-A-Punch; Punched card code; IBM 96-column punched card format; IBM 80-column card; Card deck (computing); Punched-card systems
cash card         
  • [[Card Security Code]]
  • Israeli manual card imprinter
  • Purchasing by debit card
Payment Card; Atm card; Cash card; Banking card; Purchase card; Payment cards; Pcard; Bank cards; Card payment; Card payments; Store card
cash card noun кредитная карточка
cash card         
  • [[Card Security Code]]
  • Israeli manual card imprinter
  • Purchasing by debit card
Payment Card; Atm card; Cash card; Banking card; Purchase card; Payment cards; Pcard; Bank cards; Card payment; Card payments; Store card
"денежная карточка" (для получения наличных из автомата)
punched card         
  • [[Aperture card]]
  • An 80-column punched card with the extended character set introduced with [[EBCDIC]] in 1964.
  • A U.S. Census Bureau clerk (left) prepares punch cards using a pantograph similar to that developed by Herman Hollerith for the 1890 Census, while a second clerk (right) uses a 1930s key punch to perform the same task more quickly.
  • Carpet loom with Jacquard apparatus by Carl Engel, around 1860. Chain feed is on the left.
  • A wall-sized display sample of a punch card for the 1954 U.S. Census of Agriculture
  • Punched card from a [[Fortran]] program: Z(1) = Y + W(1), plus sorting information in the last 8 columns.
  • HP Educational Basic optical mark-reader card.
  • Hollerith card as shown in the ''[[Railroad Gazette]]'' in 1895, with 12 rows and 24 columns.<ref name="Railroad_1895"/>
  • Binary]] punched card.
  • United States National Archives Records Service]] facility in 1959. Each carton could hold 2,000 cards.
  • Invalid "lace cards" such as this pose mechanical problems for card readers.
  • Clerk creating punch cards containing data from the [[1950 United States census]].
  • A 5081 card from a non-IBM manufacturer.
  • A punched card printing plate.
  • A deck of punched cards comprising a computer program. The red diagonal line is a visual aid to keep the deck sorted.<ref name="Miami"/>
  • A blank [[Remington Rand]] [[UNIVAC]] format card. Card courtesy of [[MIT Museum]].
  • A punched Remington Rand card with an IBM card for comparison
  • IBM 96-column punched card
  • Woman operating the card puncher, c.1940
  • A $75 U.S. Savings Bond, Series EE issued as a punched card. Eight of the holes record the bond serial number.
  • Institutions, such as universities, often had their general purpose cards printed with a logo. A wide variety of forms and documents were printed on punched cards, including checks. Such printing did not interfere with the operation of the machinery.
  • A 12-row/80-column [[IBM]] punched card from the mid-twentieth century
Punched cards; Punchcard; Punch cards; Punch Card; Hollerith card; Hollerith cards; IBM card; Hollerith Card; Tabulating card; Computer punch card; Punched-card; Input deck; Punchcards; Punch-card; Punch card; Overpunch; Hollerith encoding; Hollerith code; Port-a-punch; IBM Port-A-Punch; Punched card code; IBM 96-column punched card format; IBM 80-column card; Card deck (computing); Punched-card systems


общая лексика

перфорированная карта

вычислительная техника


Смотрите также



store card



The subledger, or subsidiary ledger, provides details behind entries in the general ledger used in accounting. The subledger shows detail for part of the accounting records such as property and equipment, prepaid expenses, etc. The detail would include such items as date the item was purchased or expense incurred, a description of the item, the original balance, and the net book value. The total of the subledger would match the line item amount on the general ledger. This corresponding line item in the general ledger is referred to as the controlling account. The subsidiary ledger balance is compared with its controlling account balance as part of the process of preparing a trial balance.

As part of an audit, a method of testing balances may include tracing individual acquisitions to the subsidiary ledger for amounts and descriptions. The objective of this test is to determine that the current-year acquisitions schedule agrees with related subledger amounts, and the total agrees with the general ledger.

Как переводится ledger card на Русский язык