so to speak - перевод на русский
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so to speak - перевод на русский

Mako Vs. Geist; DJ Acucrack; The Dope King; Sorted (DJ? Acucrack album); Nation State EP; So to Speak (album); So To Speak EP; Acucrack; So to Speak

so to speak         
так сказать; если можно так выразиться
Speak (disambiguation); SPEAK; Speak (song); Speak (album); SPEAK (disambiguation); Speak (novel)
speak v.; past spoke, obs. spake; past part. spoken 1) говорить, разговаривать, изъясняться; the baby is learning to speak - ребенок учится говорить; English is spoken here - здесь говорят по-английски; Dixon speaking - Диксон у телефона 2) сказать; высказывать(ся); отзываться; to speak the truth - говорить правду; to speak ill/evil of smb. - дурно отзываться о ком-л.; to speak the word - выразить желание; to speak for oneself - а) говорить о собственных чувствах; б) говорить за себя; speak for yourself - не говорите за других, не приписывайте другим ваших мнений 3) произносить речь, выступать (на собрании); speak to the subject! - не отклоняйтесь от темы! 4) говорить, свидетельствовать; the facts speak for themselves - факты говорят сами за себя; this speaks him generous - это говорит о его щедрости 5) legally speaking - с юридической точки зрения; strictly speaking - строго говоря; generally speaking - вообще говоря; roughly speaking - приблизительно, примерно 6) звучать (о музыкальных инструментах, орудиях) 7) naut. окликать; переговариваться с другим судном - speak at - speak for - speak of - speak out - speak small - speak to - speak up - speak with so to speak - так сказать Syn: see say
Speak (disambiguation); SPEAK; Speak (song); Speak (album); SPEAK (disambiguation); Speak (novel)
1) говорить
2) сообщать
3) сноситься (с другим судном)
4) окликать


H2SO3, слабая двухосновная кислота. В свободном виде не выделена, существует в водных растворах. Соли сернистой кислоты - сульфиты.


DJ? Acucrack

DJ? Acucrack is an electronic music duo based in Chicago, Illinois. DJ? Acucrack was formed by Jason Novak and Jamie Duffy as an Acumen Nation drum n' bass side project. The duo initially created the side project to "kill time" between releases for Acumen Nation, but their releases as Acucrack were so well received that the side project ended up taking precedence. Their first two releases — Nation State and Mutants of Sound — appeared on the CMJ RPM year end charts for 1998.

Their 2000 album, Sorted, peaked at #2 on the CMJ RPM Charts in the U.S. In 2004, DJ? Acucrack opened for KMFDM on their 20th Anniversary Tour.

In August 2005, DJ? Acucrack released a new album, Killing Mobius. In 2006, they toured with Front Line Assembly for their Artificial Soldier tour, which was cut short. Issues with the tour bus company have been cited for the cancellation.

Founding member Jamie Duffy died on June 21, 2012.

Примеры произношения для so to speak
1. so to speak.
2. so to speak.
The Art of Living _ Dinesh Kashi ji Kashikar _ Talks at Google
3. So to speak.
A Cook's Tour and Medium Raw _ Anthony Bourdain _ Talks at Google
4. so to speak.
The Island of Knowledge _ Marcelo Gleiser _ Talks at Google
5. so to speak?
Unlocking Creativity _ Philip Glass + More _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для so to speak
1. They seek maximum bang for the buck, so to speak.
2. Students come here to learn the ropes, so to speak.
3. "There‘s not enough shovel–ready, so to speak," he said.
4. That‘ll be my closure, so to speak, watching him die.
5. The boy‘s father was out of the picture, so to speak.