For Your Information - Definition. Was ist For Your Information

Was (wer) ist For Your Information - definition

For Your Information; For your information

For Your Information         
(FYI) A subseries of RFCs that are not technical standards or descriptions of protocols. FYIs convey general information about topics related to TCP/IP or the Internet. See also STD. (1994-10-26)
¦ abbreviation for your information.



"FYI" is a common abbreviation of "for your information". The term, originally a wire service abbreviation used by journalists, is commonly used in email, instant messaging and other messages to indicate an informational message or explanatory statement not suggesting any action, or requiring a response. The abbreviation is also commonly used in spoken conversations.

Use of "FYI" has been attested from 1915, as "just a little thing that saves space on a telegraph message" (charged by the word).

Among Internet Standards, FYIs are a subset of the Request for Comments (RFC) series. The FYI series of notes is designed to provide Internet users with a central repository of information about any topics which relate to the Internet. FYI topics may range from historical memos on "Why it was done that way" to answers to commonly asked operational questions.

Aussprachebeispiele für For Your Information
1. for your information--
Virardi _ Talks at Google
2. And just for your information,
3. Rhino horn, for your information,
Africa - The Struggle for Beauty _ Andrew Wegst _ Talks at Google
4. Just mainly for your information,
Focus - the Hidden Driver of Excellence _ Daniel Goleman _ Talks at Google
5. For your information, I am Zerbino...
Two Brothers (2004)
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für For Your Information
1. However, just for your information Harar has rich, proven and documented historical, cultural recognition going back over a thousand years.
2. "That was for your information." Coburn mentioned for the second time during the proceedings that he is a medical doctor.
3. Now, for your information, the railroad organization is being privatized, and USC is no longer in vogue.
4. For your information, Greater Mount Calvary offers peer counseling, sensitivity training for church members and an AIDS education and prevention program.
5. Q'4; '4; '4; But the President hasn‘t been able to clarify this for you?'4; You‘re still relying on the Associated Press for your information about this?