Predicated - Definition. Was ist Predicated

Was (wer) ist Predicated - definition

Predication; Predicates; Predicated; Predicating; Predicate (disambiguation); Predications

·Impf & ·p.p. of Predicate.
v. (d; tr.) ('to base') to predicate on, upon (to predicate a theory on certain facts)
·adj Predicated.
II. Predicate ·vt To Found; to Base.
III. Predicate ·vt The word or words in a proposition which express what is affirmed of the subject.
IV. Predicate ·vi To affirm something of another thing; to make an Affirmation.
V. Predicate ·vt To assert to belong to something; to affirm (one thing of another); as, to predicate whiteness of snow.
VI. Predicate ·vt That which is affirmed or denied of the subject. In these propositions, "Paper is white," "Ink is not white," whiteness is the predicate affirmed of paper and denied of ink.



Predicate or predication may refer to:

  • Predicate (grammar), in linguistics
  • Predication (philosophy)
  • several closely related uses in mathematics and formal logic:
    • Predicate (mathematical logic)
    • Propositional function
    • Finitary relation, or n-ary predicate
    • Boolean-valued function
    • Syntactic predicate, in formal grammars and parsers
    • Functional predicate
  • Predication (computer architecture)
  • in United States law, the basis or foundation of something
    • Predicate crime
    • Predicate rules, in the U.S. Title 21 CFR Part 11
  • Predicate, a term used in some European context for either nobles' honorifics or for nobiliary particles
Aussprachebeispiele für Predicated
1. that this is predicated on.
The Paleo Manifesto _ John Durant _ Talks at Google
2. it's predicated on the assumption
Building a Galaxy-Scale Gravitational Wave Detector _ Dr. Shami Chatterjee _ Talks at Google
3. predicated on creativity and making
Trying Not to Try _ Ted Slingerland _ Talks at Google
4. was always predicated on action.
5. were predicated on that basis.
Hieroglyph _ Neal Stephenson & Friends _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für Predicated
1. They suggested the court toss out the case, which is predicated on the bank acting incautiously.
2. The 2008 budget had been predicated on tax revenue of NIS 1'1 billion.
3. Tiv Taam‘s attack was predicated on Kolbotek‘s report being unreliable, inaccurate and overblown.
4. It is predicated on infinitely expanding markets, faster consumption and bigger production in a finite planet.
5. His entire economic philosophy is predicated on robbing the English blind.