code word - Definition. Was ist code word

Was (wer) ist code word - definition

Codewords; Codeword; Code-word; Code words; Code word (telecommunication); Go code

code word         
also codeword, code-word (code words)
A code word is a word or phrase that has a special meaning, different from its normal meaning, for the people who have agreed to use it in this way.
...magnum, the code word for launching a radar attack.
Code word         
In communication, a code word is an element of a standardized code or protocol. Each code word is assembled in accordance with the specific rules of the code and assigned a unique meaning.


Code word

In communication, a code word is an element of a standardized code or protocol. Each code word is assembled in accordance with the specific rules of the code and assigned a unique meaning. Code words are typically used for reasons of reliability, clarity, brevity, or secrecy.

Aussprachebeispiele für code word
1. code word for Jews--
Why It Matters _ Julia Neuberger _ Talks at Google
2. So that it became a code word.
Paper Airplane Requests _ Ben Folds _ Talks at Google
3. That's code word for fish stuff.
Sustainable Seafood _ Michael Passmore & Bill Ngo _ Talks at Google
4. You just use a code word and spin this
Enigma Cipher Machine History _ Ralph Simpson _ Talks at Google
5. The people is a code word for who?
From Chaiwallah to Playwright _ Wajahat Ali _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für code word
1. When people refer to Hillary Clinton as strident, is that a sexist code word?
2. You‘ve got to do it.‘ " × × × Addington opened the code–word–classified file on his computer.
3. The bloggers caught it, of course. (Bloggers catch that sort of thing.) "Code word," wrote one.
4. That‘s economists‘ code word for "efficiency." It‘s usually measured as output per hour worked.
5. It is a code word to try to smear good–faith legislation." Sen.