nutcase - Definition. Was ist nutcase

Was (wer) ist nutcase - definition

Nut case; Nutcase (disambiguation); Nut case (disambiguation)
also nut case (nutcases)
If you refer to someone as a nutcase, you mean that they are mad or that their behaviour is very strange. (INFORMAL)
The woman's a nutcase. She needs locking up.
N-COUNT [disapproval]
Nut case; Nutcase (disambiguation); Nut case (disambiguation)
¦ noun informal a mad or foolish person.
nut case         
Nut case; Nutcase (disambiguation); Nut case (disambiguation)


Nutcase or nut case is a slang term for an odd person. It may refer to:
Aussprachebeispiele für nutcase
1. I'm a nutcase.
Hacking Public Speaking - Do You Talk Funny _ David Nihill _ Talks at Google
2. He's a nutcase.
Tesla - Inventor of the Electrical Age _ Bernard Carlson _ Talks at Google
3. This guy is a nutcase.
Tesla - Inventor of the Electrical Age _ Bernard Carlson _ Talks at Google
4. I'm a nutcase on this stuff.
Raise the Bar _ Jon Taffer _ Talks at Google
5. How are things on the nutcase right?
Al Franken, Giant of the Senate _ Al Franken _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für nutcase
1. Take ôđóęň (fruit), a bilingual word for a nutcase.
2. Is he some type of egocentric nutcase? – Graham, Preston, Lancs What exactly does this mean?
3. "He tortured Julie hoping she could be classically diagnosed as a nutcase," she said.
4. Outside court he said: "I remember walking through Asda and my missus saying, ‘Who’s that nutcase?‘, pointing at the paper.
5. Yeah, I‘ve seen him on the telly – must be a nutcase." How else could he justify it?