Diccionario ChatGPT basado en inteligencia artificial
Diccionario ChatGPT

Diccionario inglés-ruso

"    '    (    -    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    £    А    Б    В    Г    Д    Е    Ж    З    И    К    Л    М    Н    О    П    Р    С    Т    У    Ф    Х    Ц    Ч    Ш    Щ    Э    Ю    Я   
Palabras que comienzan con "K": 4269
keep to the rules
keep to the subject
keep together
keep trace of
keep track
keep track of
keep type standing
keep u
keep under
keep under observation
keep under sail
keep up
keep up your courage!
keep up your music
keep up your spirits!
keep warranty in force
keep watch
keep way on the ship
keep well off
keep where you are!
keep within hail!
keep within the law
keep within the speed limit!
keep your chin up!
keep your clapper shut!
keep your dog in order
keep your emotions in check
keep your eye on him!
keep your fingers crossed
keep your fingers crossed!
keep your hair on!
keep your hands off!
keep your honour intact
keep your luff
keep your mind off this
keep your mind open!
keep your mouth shut!
keep your pecker up!
keep your remarks to yourself
keep your shirt on!
keep your wig on
keep your wool on!
keep your yap shut
keep-alive contact
keep-alive discharge
keep-alive voltage
keep-cost order
keeper of a prison
keeper of manuscripts ‹rare books›
keeper of the laws
keeper of the records, record keeper
keeping apples
keeping capacity
keeping of accounts
keeping of birthdays
keeping of downhole efficiency
keeping of drilling records
keeping of one's promise
keeping of pressure
keeping of production records
keeping quality
keeping reinforcement in proper position
keeping time
keeping wake