Словарь ChatGPT на основе искусственного интеллекта
Словарь ChatGPT

Англо-русский словарь

"    '    (    -    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    £    А    Б    В    Г    Д    Е    Ж    З    И    К    Л    М    Н    О    П    Р    С    Т    У    Ф    Х    Ц    Ч    Ш    Щ    Э    Ю    Я   
Слова, начинающиеся с "C": 55035
customer specific key
customer specifications
customer's LAN naming scheme
customer's inspector
customer's instruction to the bank
customer's room
customer's service pipe
customer-calling cycle
customer-centric manufacturing
customer-request test
customer-size package
customer-specific data record format
customers stampeded the stores
customers' ledger
customers' man
customers' securities department
customhouse broker
customize a process/a script
customized cryptography
customized edition
customized equipment
customized monitoring of QoS/QoR
customized printing
customized software
customized toolbar
customs administration
customs agency
customs and usance of the stock exchange
customs authorized by time
customs bond
customs clearance
customs consecrated by time
customs declaration
customs differ from country to country
customs duties
customs duty
customs examination list
customs fees
customs formalities clearance
customs free
customs house
customs of the French
customs of war
customs offense
customs office
customs officer
customs policy
customs regulations
customs revive
customs schedule
customs seal
customs tare
customs tariff
customs territory
customs that are falling into disuse
customs union
customs valuation
customs warehouse
customs weigher