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Λέξεις που ξεκινούν με "I": 31580
it's a thing about him
it's a tight fit
it's a toss-up whether he comes or not
it's a toss-up whether he will get here in time
it's a toss-up which is worse
it's a touch
it's a tremendous thing for me, it means a tremendous lot to me
it's a trick to get rid of me
it's a wow
it's about time
it's about time someone blew the whistle on his dishonest practices
it's alien to my thoughts
it's all a lot of hooey
it's all according what you want to do
it's all along of you
it's all but done
it's all but impossible
it's all fair and above-board
it's all fair and proper
it's all in the day's run
it's all in the game
it's all one to me
it's all over but the shouting
it's all over the office
it's all taped
it's all very well
it's all very well (for you) to suggest doing that but where's the money coming from?
it's all very well for you to say so, but ...
it's an easy place to get to
it's an endless task
it's an iffy question
it's an ill bird that fouls its own nest
it's an ill wind that blows nobody (any) good, it's an ill wind that turns none to good
it's an open fact
it's as cold as hell
it's as good as done /settled/
it's as good as new
it's as simple ‹easy› as anything
it's as ugly as can be
it's beddy-bye time
it's beneath his dignity
it's better, don't you think, to get it over with?
it's beyond my comprehension
it's broken off! - glue it back then
it's characteristic of him
it's cheap as these things go
it's child's play to me
it's clever camera work
it's cold tonight
it's come day, go day with him
it's considerably colder this morning
it's curious that ...
it's dangerous to meddle with him
it's debatable, it's a debatable point
it's depressing to think that ...
it's difficult to get help these days
it's difficult to root out certain prejudices
it's difficult to tell how it's done
it's disgusting!
it's dogged (that) does it
it's domino with him
it's domino with it
it's domino with smb., smth.
it's done me a power of good
it's downright good of you
it's dreadful that nothing can be done
it's driving me bats
it's dry work
it's dynamite!
it's early closing today