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Λέξεις που ξεκινούν με "I": 31580
it's easy if you know the trick
it's easy to reason out what the consequences of that action will be
it's enough to make him turn in his grave
it's fixing to rain
it's for him to move first in the matter
it's freezing hard
it's freezing slightly
it's gall and wormwood to me
it's getting late, we must be toddling
it's getting late, we must fly
it's getting on for three o'clock
it's getting really tough
it's going on (for) 3
it's gone goose with (him)
it's good for him to spend plenty of time out of doors
it's good for the occasion
it's good to be here ‹to see you, to hear of it›
it's gospel-truth
it's growing weather
it's hard to get hold of him
it's hard to get on with such a man
it's hard to know him but he wears well
it's hard to prove a negative
it's hardly thinkable that he should have behaved so
it's heartbreaking to see her suffer
it's heavenly to see you again
it's heavy going getting him to talk
it's hit-or-miss!
it's hot today and no mistake
it's human to err
it's humiliating to have to treat with a rogue
it's ideal!
it's just a sales gimmick
it's just as well
it's just like you to do that
it's just not you
it's just splendid
it's just talk, it's mere talk
it's late, I must run along
it's liable to rain today
it's like this, you see
it's me
it's mere chance
it's mere tokenism
it's mild today
it's my face and I am stuck with it
it's my impression that he doesn't want to leave
it's my pigeon
it's my sacred duty to do this
it's my ‹your› honour
it's nearly ten o'clock
it's no God-damn use!
it's no business of yours
it's no concern of mine
it's no distance to the post office
it's no go
it's no go!
it's no good being insistent ‹talking about it›
it's no good standing back and waiting for things to sort themselves out
it's no good worrying ourselves about that
it's no jesting matter
it's no mortal use /good/
it's no use making a song about it
it's no use preaching to a hungry man
it's no use pretending you're still young
it's no use pumping me, I'm empty of all news
it's no use talking
it's no-go
it's not a bad mark, but it's worse than your usual one
it's not a good look-out for his family if he loses his job